Emerson College Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics

The overall acceptance rate for Emerson College is 41%, according to BestColleges.

However, according to the applications in our database, FilmSchool.org users have a much higher acceptance rate: 65% for Film and Media Art MFA students, 52% for Writing for Film and Television MFA students, and 100% for all BFA/BA* program students. (*currently only 6 undergrad applications in our database as of this writing)

Thanks to our Application Database, we're able to calculate the actual Emerson College acceptance rates and tabulate additional data, including: accepted applicant demographics, prior filmmaking experience, lowest accepted GPAs, test scores, and more.

Our admissions statistics for the programs also contains other useful data the lowest accepted minimum GPA, lowest accepted SAT, ACT, GRE, TOEFL and IELTS scores, and much more... however that data is only available to Supporting Members. FilmSchool.org is 100% ad free so Supporting Members are literally what makes this site possible. Thank you!

Remember to log your application once you apply so that we may improve our data.

Don't forget to check out our guide to applying to Emerson:

Emerson College: How to Apply for 2025, Acceptance Rate, and Life as a Visual and Media Arts Student

Emerson College: How to Apply for 2025, Acceptance Rate, and Life as a Visual and Media Arts Student

Emerson College is the only private four-year institution in the nation devoted to teaching visual and media arts and communications in a liberal arts context. The Department of Visual and Media Arts in the School of Arts offers an action-oriented learning environment that encourages film...

Emerson College MFA in Film & Media Art Acceptance Rate​

emerson_mfa_stats.jpg32 out of 49 applications in our database were accepted. According to our Admissions Statistics for the program, the earliest decision was February 16. Supporting Members also have access to even more data such as the age and the film experience of accepted applicants. We have also started to collect information on the sexual identify, race, and sexual orientation of accepted applicants but this data is limited as it is optional and not everyone has added that information to their application.

Remember to log your application with our database once you apply so we can improve our data.

Emerson College MFA in Writing for Film and Television Acceptance Rate​

emerson_writing_mfa_stats.jpg15 out of 29 applications in our database were admitted. Earliest decision date is currently February 26. Supporting Members also have access to even more data such as the percentage admitted off of waitlist and the undergraduate degrees of admitted applicants. English Literature is currently at 11% and Film and Media Arts is at 22%. See our Admissions Statistics page for even more info including the age of accepted applicants.

Remember to log your application with our database once you apply so that we may improve our data.

Emerson College Undergraduate Acceptance Rate​

Unfortunately, data on this is limited as we only have 6 applications in our database and they were all accepted. However, Supporting Members have access to the lowest accepted minimum GPA and test scores of these applications. There is also data on the film experience of these accepted applicants.

Please be sure to log your application with our database once you apply so that we may improve our data.

I hope this data is helpful to everyone. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions.

If there is any other data that you would like to ask to be recorded with logged applications let us know.

Also, I want to take another moment to thank our Supporting Members as they are literally what makes this site possible. Good luck applying to film school!
About author
Chris W
Owner of FilmSchool.org and working as a Film & TV editor and producer in Los Angeles since 2001. Boston University College of Communication Class of 1999 for film (BS).


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Acceptance Data
For up to date Film School Acceptance Rates, including Minimum GPAs, Minimum Test Scores, After Interview and Off-Waitlist Acceptance Rates, Film Experience and Undergraduate degrees of accepted applicants, Age data, and other acceptance statistics for your film program of choice simply navigate to the Acceptance Rates tab on each film school's page in our Film School Database.

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Article information

Chris W
Article read time
2 min read
Last update

Latest Applications

Film Schools