As the oldest film school in the U.S., University of Southern California School of the Arts has helped usher exceptional talent to the forefront of the film industry. In 2023, TheWrap ranked USC SCA the #2 best film school in the country, praising its advanced filmmaking facilities, generous endowments, and impressive number of alumni attending Sundance and other acclaimed film festivals. The University's commitment to staying atop of future filmmaking trends while nurturing its student body — from providing generous financial aid for incoming students in need and veterans to creating an equitable and diverse learning environment — underscores its prestige.
As a special bonus article for's Supporting Members, we interviewed USC SCA undergraduate admissions committee advisor and undergraduate film professor
@USCSCAAlumni/Faculty. They joined before earning a Master of Fine Arts in Cinematic Arts, Film and Television Production from USC SCA.
This interview is exclusively for Supporting Members. It is approximately 4,413 words long and includes tips for applying to USC SCA, information about the Production program, and advice for networking during and after film school from a professional screenwriter.
To learn even more information about USC's admissions process and film school, read our first interview with @USCSCAAlumni/Faculty (available to all members):
1. Has USC SCA's admissions process changed since your last interview? If so, how?
It's hard for me to recall exactly what the admissions process was then compared to what it is now. But overall, I think we...
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