How to create your Blog on

This entry is in the series How to create a Blog on
Thanks to our wonderful Supporting Members we are now able to offer the Student Blog feature to all members on the site.

All members can create a blog. This is the home for all your blog entries on the site. This blog's home page is here. Once you have a blog home page you can then create blog entries or blog posts.

Blog entries can be:
  • An introduction about yourself and why you're into film and what you want to do
  • Updates on your application process
  • Chronicling the shooting of a film
  • Chronicling the writing of a script
  • Random musings
You can even create a "Series" which is a group of related blog entries that are related to each other. (Chronicling writing of a script or shooting a film or your application process)

But first! You need to create your blog home page. :)

Step 1 - Create Blog​

Click the green "Create Blog" button on the Blog home page.

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This will bring you to a page where you can create your blog. On this page you'll need to name your blog, describe your blog, and add a picture for your blog.

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Step 2 - Name your Blog​

In the title field enter the title of your blog. This isn't a blog post, but the name for your blog on "Chris's Film School Adventure" "The life of an aspiring Screenwriter at USC" See other blogs in the blog list for ideas.

Step 3 - Describe your Blog​

In the "Blog details" section do a quick description of who you are and the types of blog entries (blog posts) you'll be writing. You can optionally do an additional shorter description below where you attach an image.

Step 4 - Attach an image​

Attach an image that is either owned by you or a stock photograph that you want to be the image for your blog on the site.

Like this:


Once you attach the file, then be sure to then "Insert" the image into the "Blog details" text box.

Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 1.36.38 PM.png

If you click on the "Insert" on the attachment image you can either insert it as a thumbnail of a full image. Be aware that the full image will be big so you can use the following icon to resize it:

Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 1.37.21 PM.png

And even this icon to align it and have it wrap around text:

Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 1.37.42 PM.png

Step 5 - Tag your blog​

To help people find your blog put some tags here that describe what you'll be posting about.

Step 6 - Hit save!​

Now you have a blog page! Woohoo!

Now you need to add pages and create your first blog entry (blog post).
Next entry in the series 'How to create a Blog on': Add a Portfolio, Contact, or Resume page (optional)
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    Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 1.37.03 PM.webp
    11.8 KB · Views: 191


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Blog entry information

Chris W
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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