Cal State Long Beach (CSULB) - Film and Electronic Arts Reviews & Admissions Statistics

1250 N Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840, USA
School Website
Degrees Offered
  1. 4 Year BA
  1. Cinematography
  2. Digital Arts
  3. Documentary Filmmaking
  4. Editing
  5. Film & Television Production
  6. Film Studies
  7. Screenwriting
  8. Sound Design
Tuition Range
$5k to $10k
Undergraduate Deadlines
October 1, 2024 – December 2, 2024

Film School details

Start of Production Classes
  1. Sophomore
Camera Equipment
  1. Unknown
Software Used
  1. Unknown
Filmmaking Facilities
  1. Unknown
  1. School provides resources to help find internships
Job Placement
  1. Student is on their own
  2. School Provides Career Development Training
  3. School Operates Job Board
  4. School Organizes Film Festival
Application Fee
SAT or ACT Required?
  1. No
Portfolio Required?
  1. No
Minimum GPA
  1. 2.5
Letters of Rec Required
  1. None

At CSULB, we believe our mission is to educate the next generation of filmmakers and scholars, whose diverse voices tell compelling stories that speak directly to their individual communities, as well as society as a whole. Our department provides the platforms to elevate every student, and trains them to excel in their chosen areas of the industry.

Undergraduate Application Requirements

Tuition Details

Helpful Links

Notable Alumni

  • Steven Spielberg
  • Mark Steven Johnson - Writer, Director, Producer (Grumpy Old Men; Simon Birch; Ghostrider; Killing Season)
  • J.F. Lawton - Writer, Director, Producer (Pretty Woman; Under Siege)
  • Masanobu Takayanagi - Cinematographer (The Grey; Silver Linings Playbook; Black Mass; Spotlight)
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DISCLAIMER: The information on this page is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time it was last updated. PLEASE verify with the school ALL due dates and requirements as they may have changed since our last update. If any info on this page is incorrect please let us know and we will update it. We are not responsible for missed deadlines or rejected applications due to out of date information on this page. Please do your due diligence.

Latest Film School Reviews

You have to get out of your way to make things happen for you
Reviewed by: Alumni
Degree: BA/BS/BFA
  • Unique Professors, Great Academic and Professional Counseling
  • Not enough financial backing from the CSU System
There are people (Professors and Students) who will make you love the school.

All you need to remember about this place is that you have to get out of your way to make things happen for you. No one is looking to find the next big thing here, but if you show yourself there will be support, great support.

There are other types of departments that's not mentioned here. The TV Department actually allows you to work in professional Commercial spots. While I was there I produced a TedX Conference video (9 speaker videos total).

People can help you with a lot of different things. Some Professors here are actual professionals with really interesting backgrounds. The regular "professor teaches because can't find work" does not completely apply here.

Being close to LA is a plus, and LB scene is pretty good too. I was renting an apartment in Downtown Los Angeles when I was studying there.

If you work hard while there, you will easily find a job there. In fact, I found one.

It's a very positive school, but don't expect a USC treatment. It's a fact that you have to have some money in this business, even while studying it. CSU system is second to the UC system. But again you get what you pay for. Keeping that in mind, and you think about saving money for your Masters Degree, you will find that CSULB has enough reputation to get you in anywhere else you might think of post graduation.

I am proud to have chosen this film school.

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