Cal State Northridge (CSUN) - Department of Cinema of Television Arts Reviews & Admissions Statistics

18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330, USA
School Website
Degrees Offered
  1. 4 Year BA
  2. 2 Year MFA
  1. Film & Television Production
  2. Screenwriting
Tuition Range
$10k to $20k
Undergraduate Deadlines
October 1, 2024 – December 2, 2024
Graduate Deadlines
October 10 through March 1

Reviews summary

Overall rating
1.67 star(s) 3 ratings
2.00 star(s)
Alumni Network
1.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
1.00 star(s)
1.33 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
2.33 star(s)
1.67 star(s)
3.33 star(s)
Worst MFA (Screenwriting) ever.
Reviewed by: Alumni
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: Screenwriting
  • Nice Campus
  • Unprepared professors
  • Repetitive courses (same as undergraduate)
  • Irresponsible Chairman
  • Rude professors
  • No diversity at all
  • No networking possible
  • They steal student's creations
My Bachelor's was a strange experience because it was all remote (COVID) --transferring from the great Los Angeles Valley College. Even though it was "strange," it was pretty good.

On the other hand, the Master's in Screenwriting was just AWFUL.
It was a terrible experience having bad and unprepared professors, all-white faculty with 0 diversity, and the chairman (Mr. Jared Rappaport) was pretty lost; he had no idea what he was doing. The whole body of professors was just terrible --aggressions and lies all over. I had two classes that were a repetition of the same classes I had as an undergraduate --even the same professors.
Also, in my thesis examination, one of the three professors who were supposed to give me feedback didn't read my script. So, I only received two feedbacks out of three.

In summary, I paid for a Master's that honestly taught me pretty much nothing. I learned so much more in the Screenwriting courses I took at Los Angeles Valley College than in the CSUN Master's. And, if you are thinking about "networking..." forget it. The network you can have out of that institution is honestly BS.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND that program. Look for a more serious institution if you want to learn and feel really appreciated. DO NOT take the Master's in Screenwriting at CSUN.
3.00 star(s)
Alumni Network
1.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
2.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Reviewed by: Alumni
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: SCREENWRITING
I had a friend who graduated from this institution's screenwriting MA Program and his work was used by his professor, JARED RAPPAPORT. Ideas/stories/concepts from my friend's screenplay were ultimately made into a film that debuted at the cinema titled THE SWEET LIFE (2016).

Please look up Rotten Tomatoes Indie YouTube page on the trailer of The Sweet Life (2016). YouTube Main page on the film has gone as far as to delete comments about this incident.

My friend notified the university president and Chancellor of the entire CSU system and he was ignored for 7 years from date he let them know about what happened. For over 7 years they ignored communicating with him until statute of limitations was officially over and done with. Only after the student reached out to their local assemblyman for help did the school finally manage to send out a shady explanation of what happened.

Worse is JARED RAPPAPORT currently sits as HEAD OF SCREENWRITING DEPT. How can they let a guy tied to such unethical behavior run a screenwriting program? Jared has most likely done this to past/future students. These professors and their staff are protected by university big whig attorneys and they know students can't put up a legal fight due to insane attorney fees.

Really messed up to do this to underprivileged talent that is just trying to go after their dreams. None of my friend's professors ever reached out for comment and they all went MIA on him to keep the entire incident hushed.

A lot of people know about what happened. Incidents like these are what stop certain people from making connections, reaching goals, etc. Faculty should be there to help their students acheive their dreams, not to take from their students' ideas/stories when their work is submitted.

Pretty clear the school makes no effort to log student intellectual property whatsoever when students submit their work in classes.

1.00 star(s)
Alumni Network
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
socalsun does not recommend this film school!
I recently decided not to go back and complete the program's second year...
Reviewed by: Current Student
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: Screenwriting
  • Friendly staff
  • Nice campus
  • Great amenities
  • On-site script library
  • TA opportunities
  • Lack of networking opportunities
  • Lack of job opportunities
  • Strictly pedagogic in academic approach (as opposed to practical)
  • Repetitive coursework & lessons
I was accepted to the CSUN MFA program in 2018 and took part in in for a full year; however, I recently decided not to go back and complete the program's second year... for a number of reasons.

1) LACK OF NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES. This was my main peeve with the program. Networking opportunities were non-existent, unfortunately. I asked a few of the professors and the head of the program about this aspect of the MFA many times - as it is crucial to a career in screenwriting - and I was never given a solid answer. I happen to know a few people/execs in the industry as well, who asked me to reach out to CSUN on their behalf because they had internship/job opportunities that they wanted to share with the school. When I gave them the dept. head's contact info, two of them told me they reached out to him and never received a response whatsoever. I followed up with the dept. head and he simply said, "Oh, yes, I do remember seeing that name... Please have them email me again." But by that time, the opportunities were long gone. This is key because not only are you required to find an internship and take an internship course during your last semester of the MFA, but it's also a very important part of the job and working in Hollywood. I know the UCLA and USC have amazing opportunities in this regard; but, alas, I applied to each of those schools and couldn't get in.

2) STRICTLY PEDAGOGIC. The program is much more tailored to those who want to teach screenwriting at the college level than it does for those who actually want to be screenwriters. I say this not only because of my previous reason - lack of networking - but also because I spoke to one of the profs who's been there since the inception of the program who told me as much outright. Additionally, there was a lot of repetition in many of the lessons we learned.

3) VERY STRUCTURE-BASED COURSEWORK. I'm all for studying structure and form, but I also think that people entering a screenwriting Master's program should have a fairly good handle on that before joining. One of the professors who taught two of our courses over the first year taught his very-specific, step-by-step breakdown of how to break a story using his unique concept. It was very specific and odd, and we spent a LOT of time focusing on only his method, when there are dozens out there, many of which have proven to be great! I actually really liked this prof on a personal level, but I do not like that 2 of the 7 course I paid for dealt entirely with his methods and didn't allow for exploration of the many other forms.

4) LOOSE SYLLABI. Unfortunately, about 2 of the 7 courses that were taught didn't have syllabi at all, or really seem to have much of a purpose. In our teaching for screenwriting course, there were 14 of us. Basically, two of us came in each class and gave a lesson each week, and the prof provided very minimal feedback at the end of each lesson. It was like we weren't being taught anything at all. The lessons were all lead by other students in my peer group, and while some of them were great, I didn't expect to have to pay for and take valuable time (driving and attending) out of my nights to listen to other students speculate on what the best way to do _____ might be.

TAKE AWAY: If you don't know anything about screenwriting at all at this point in your life, OR if you're set on teaching screenwriting someday, this might be a good program for you. But if you're looking for industry connections and opportunities, save your money and look elsewhere (unless they revamp the program sometime in the next few years). The best part of the first year of the program, in my opinion, happened to be the two courses we took with adjunct professors who had real-life experience working in writers rooms. They were able to provide excellent feedback and guidance while we were working on our one-hour spec and half-hour original comedy pilots, and I feel that I can take those samples away and actually put them to use.

When I joined this program, I'd already studied screenwriting as an undergrad a bit, and worked some in the industry. I'd written a few episodes for an Emmy-nominated show and sold three concepts to a streaming network as well. I got a tip from a working writer that CSUN's film dept. had just gotten some kind of $8m influx via donations or something, but that wasn't evident in any part of the program, which was fine. That said, I was really hoping that the CSUN program would provide the networking opportunities and the chances to collaborate with other talented student directors, actors, producers, etc.--and it did not.
Alumni Network
1.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
1.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
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