USC School of Cinematic Arts Reviews & Admissions Statistics

900 W 34th St, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA
Degrees Offered
  1. 4 Year BA
  2. 4 Year BS
  3. 4 Year BFA
  4. 2 Year MFA
  1. Film & Television Production
  2. Film Studies
  3. Producing
  4. Screenwriting
  5. Writing for Screen & Television
Tuition Range
$60k to $70k
Undergraduate Deadlines
December 1
Graduate Deadlines
November 15

Reviews summary

Overall rating
3.57 star(s) 14 ratings
1.67 star(s)
Alumni Network
3.80 star(s)
3.70 star(s)
Career Assistance
3.10 star(s)
3.10 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
3.70 star(s)
3.20 star(s)
2.50 star(s)
14% are recommending this film school.

Helpful reviews

Most helpful positive review
I'm beyond happy with the education and mentorship I received.
I completed USC's MFA screenwriting program in 2018. I'm beyond happy with the education and mentorship I received. Within two months of... view full review
4 members found this helpful.
Most helpful critical review
Great Marketing, Subpar Reality
I'm writing this review because there wasn't a lot of clear info when I was applying so I hope that this can offer some clarification beyond the... view full review
8 members found this helpful.
I loved it.
Reviewed by: Alumni
Degree: BA/BS/BFA
  • Connections, Opportunities, Industry Events, Fun Classes, The esteem, campus
  • Opportunity
  • Elitism, Expensive, Nepotism, You must put the degree to work
I am a Black girl from the South. It was a big adjustment for me, but my total dream. The one takeaway I have from the school is you must make your mark. Everyone in the school is good at what they do and connected. So you must make yourself differeny. DON’T wait to do internships. Make friends everywhere!!! I loved my classes and professors. But put your best foot forward and the 4 years can be a vacation. Also, I am not rich. With Cal grants, I never had to pay tuition. Only housing (which is still a freaking lot) but the university wasn’t so bad financially for ME. Nevertheless it IS expensive so make your time there worth it.
3.00 star(s)
Alumni Network
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Anonymous recommends this film school
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A Journey Most Illuminating
Reviewed by: Alumni
Degree: BA/BS/BFA
  • Industry connections, job opportunities, professional training, abundance of sets, equipment, sound stages
  • Can be pretentious
I started my USC adventure as a Theatre major. I quickly discovered that I needed to change paths, and film had always been of interest. I thought to myself, what better place to pursue film than USC? I’m grateful that in many ways that assumption was proved correct. Though I was not a production major - I was Cinema and Media Studies - I did get to spend a lot of time with students, faculty, and alumni from all of the programs USC offers. What a diverse and wonderful group of people! It’s a difficult program to critique and review because so much of it depends on one’s own drive, desires, and expectations. I wasn’t anticipating anything in particular, had never taken a film class, and was immediately blown away by the theaters, the sound stages, the access they grant to top notch equipment, and the faculty’s shared interest in providing the best education possible for their students. That being said, there are certainly a few things to take into consideration. USC prides itself on being the ‘best’ film school in the country. Are they? I can’t say definitively yes or no, but they certainly believe themself to be. That kind of attitude can be a bit off-putting and intimidating at times. I’d be lying if I said there weren’t students and faculty members who carried themselves as ‘better than’ simply because they were apart of this institutions film program. Thankfully this was not a majority, however, I encountered that type of character enough for it to make a lasting impression. USC is a very privileged place, it’s also an incredibly expensive one. That’s another area to consider. I never needed to apply for scholarships so I cannot speak on their implementation and how helpful they are, I do recognize that USC is one of the more expensive undergraduate colleges and that shouldn’t be forgotten. In regards to my program and what separated it from the Production BFA, the biggest difference would be the freedom to decide what courses and direction you’d like to take. Cinema Media Studies contains numerous fields of requirement but offers multiple different courses that will fulfill those areas. The BFA in production, however, is much a stricter schedule in which you’ll be attending a very structured curriculum with your designated cohort. The benefits of that being you get to experience everything together with a small group of people who you’ll spend your entire career at USC working with. That forms strong and indelible bonds that replicate those in the professional world. It also means if there’s friction, unfortunately it’ll just have to be dealt with and endured. Cinema Media Studies consists predominantly of lectures, however, as an SCA student you’ll be granted to take screenwriting courses, production courses, and a myriad of others. Though on set experience was not the main focal point, there were plenty of opportunities and courses to get it. Should you find yourself wanting more, SCA offers the chance to apply to the BFA program even after declaring a major and being admitted. I believe the Production BFA is more helpful in terms of attaining professional-world experiences and learning the industry. Since Production majors spend every weekend writing shorts, on set, editing, and switching positions throughout the semester, it’s a great microcosm of what to expect after graduation. You will learn every single role on a film set, and chances are you will fulfill every role at one point or another. You’ll also be able to apply for thesis projects as an upperclassman which are then premiered in a wonderful theater open to the public. Cinema Media Studies doesn’t have that same kind of exposure, nor does it replicate professional circumstances. It’s more focused on the history of film, how film has evolved globally, the iconographies of different eras, and how to ’properly’ read a film. Any more experience is up to the undergraduate themselves to seek out. All of that being said, simply by being an SCA student numerous internship opportunities will arise. They won’t be handed to you for merely being an SCA student, but there is a weight to that title that provokes the image of a certain type of character who is diligent, knowledgeable, and always up to the task. Balancing internships and classwork, though challenging, never felt like too much even in the semesters I was taking twenty plus units. USC also boasts a tremendous alumni network from Kevin Feige, and George Lucas to Judd Apatow and Robert Zemeckis. Though it’s not the most pleasant thing to admit, names like that help. People in the industry are familiar with SCA and the alumni network is full of impressive artists who are constantly working and looking to help out fellow Trojans. All in all I greatly enjoyed my time at USC and SCA. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It was my dream school, and ended up becoming a reality that I truly couldn’t have anticipated. I strongly recommend it, despite knowing it might not be for everyone. Fight on.
2.00 star(s)
Alumni Network
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
JHD recommends this film school
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Thanks for sharing!
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Reviewed by: Alumni
  • Experienced Professors
  • Industry Contacts
  • High Achieving Peers
  • Supportive Environment
  • Scholarship Opportunities (Mostly Second Year)
  • Cost
I couldn't ask for anything more from a writing program. During my time at USC I interned on two TV shows run by my idols. After I graduated I got an entertainment lawyer and management through a USC professor. Then I was hired by a different USC professor to write and develop IP. Ten months later I was staffed by a yet another USC professor on a TV show. Now I also have a book deal and a
pilot in development with my dream company.

This is obviously not everyone's experience. My results were a combination of extreme hard work and lots of luck. I also came into the program with a lot of experience, TONS of failures under my belt, and very thick skin. I'm not saying the program is perfect, but it can definitely help start your career. In my opinion, that's worth the crazy price tag.
3.00 star(s)
Alumni Network
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
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Thank you for your post. Could you go into more detail about your background which contributed to your experience to give you a head start on preparedness? If you don't mind saying some failures that helped you. Thank you.
I'm beyond happy with the education and mentorship I received.
Reviewed by: Alumni
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: Writing for Screen & Television
  • faculty faculty faculty
  • course flexibility
  • incredible TV alumni network
  • talented and motivated peers
  • industry internship accessibility
  • student diversity
  • not totally a con, but self care is important while in any intensive program
  • scholarship opportunities exist, but expect to have student loans
I completed USC's MFA screenwriting program in 2018. I'm beyond happy with the education and mentorship I received. Within two months of graduating, I landed my first industry job as a showrunner's assistant on a Netflix drama series. Most of my peers (a total of 32 in my year) are currently employed – a handful in development, a few with features or TV pilots optioned, multiple TV staff writers (yes: multiple, right out of the gate), and a good number of assistants in TV writers' rooms (for shows on Netflix, the CW, CBS, ABC, and more). This follows in the footsteps of the year above mine.

These friendships are what I value most from my time at USC – we're reading scripts and giving notes in writers' groups, we're meeting up frequently for drinks and events, and we're landing each other interviews, connections, and jobs. Working in LA is never easy, but goals feel so much more attainable when surrounded by talented people striving for the same thing. Having intelligent friends who are eager to vouch on your behalf is a further reassurance.

The classes themselves were challenging and rewarding. I pursued a TV thesis track, but I'd say my classmates were split nearly 50-50 between TV thesis and feature thesis. We were forced to write many pages very quickly, and doing so was a crash course on how to generate content and develop a routine. USC allows for some course flexibility – I took a few production classes and was accepted into a size-capped mock writers' room class. The class developed and wrote a four-episode web series, which was produced, filmed, and edited by a companion production department course. We were able to build a large set on one of USC's sound stages, too, so we obtained solid set experience.

Peers of mine took courses on gaming, podcasts, idea pitching, editing, film analysis, directing comedy, interactive media... choral music... so while many courses in the track are solidified for you (for good reason), there is ample room to still forge your own path through the program. The curriculum also includes a business class your second year (covers management, agencies, entertainment lawyers, contracts, IP, fellowship applications...). Frequent lectures by successful screenwriters and producers were also helpful, most of which were only available for MFA screenwriters to attend (i.e., plenty of face time to ask questions and pick brains). Professors also invited working writer-friends to visit classes throughout each semester (and, while at public events asking for contact info is a HUGE no-no, these individuals often wanted to pass along their email addresses to connect further).

While some drawbacks to the program can include cost (there are great scholarship opportunities, but many students ended up without significant aid... the up-side is that the program's only two years), I would choose this program again in a heartbeat. As with any program, your enjoyment of any given class is dependent on other students and on whether you vibe with a professor. Professor diversity is also important to me, so I was personally happy to have an LGBT-identifying professor my first semester. Strides have been taken in recent years to increase diversity among professors even further, I believe. My classmates were an incredibly diverse group, too, which was one of the program's highlights for me.

Final note: the amount of MFA alumni who are working in TV is actually insane. The TV program at USC is pretty innovative (spec courses, pilot courses, pilot re-write courses, structure courses), and everyone in my class who graduated in pursuit of a TV writing career felt very prepared. The program also gave us face-to-face access to successful alumni or other mentors through various end-of-program events (some of which aren't even publicized on USC's website).

I would say my fingers hurt after writing such a lengthy review, but THEY DON'T. Thanks, USC, for preparing me for this moment.
Alumni Network
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Career Assistance
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Facilities & Equipment
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
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I am elated for you (obv!) but i need help and advice panda-chan!! I'm thinking of applying for mfa screenwriting later on so can i hit you up in the dms for some light convo? or an email is fine too!!
I think your review just solidifies how much I want to attend USC for this MFA program. Thanks for the in-depth and thorough thoughts!
Can you detail what a TV thesis consists of? Do you produce a thesis script? How much flexibility is there to do electives in production?
Really strong alumni network
Reviewed by: Admitted Applicant
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: Film and Television Production
  1. Really strong alumni network.
  2. Reputation and Prestige (World renowned).
  3. Opportunities to pitch to studio executives.
  4. Job opportunities/internships other than DP or directing in Hollywood.
  5. Surrounded by faculty who currently work in Hollywood.
  6. Student assistantships with hourly pay with sign on bonus of up to 5k.
  7. Scholarship opportunities for students who get their 1st or 2nd year films into good film festivals.
  1. Tuition fee: ~40k/annum ( total cost for 3 years might extend up to 200k because of self-funded films).
  2. Self-funded films except for 546 course (top 10 students of 60). Thesis is also self-funded.
  3. Can make only one top tier film festival worth movie in 546 course as a director (Unless you self-fund the films you make in intermediate directing, directing techniques, advanced directing or making media for social change courses).
  4. International students should be prepared to go back if they do not get their movies into top tier film festivals (which makes you eligible for O1 visa : click here for more details).
  5. No high end equipment for directing courses other than thesis or a 546.
Bottom line: Tons of opportunities to work in Hollywood but may be not as a DP or a Director (Unless you're a Ryan Coogler :D).
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International student here. Do you know if I would be eligible for an O1 Visa if my short film gets into a top tier film school? Or do they only consider feature films as Visa worthy?
USC School of Cinematic Arts IS definitely the best film school.
Reviewed by: Current Student
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: Film and Television Production
  • USC SCA has a ton of resource.
  • Amazing faculty, equipment, infrastructure and amazing classmates aka future collaborators.
  • Plus being a part of USC, there is just a ton of advantages in itself.
  • Even the campus is breathtaking, which means you got a ton of shooting spots!
  • Not everything will be given to you, some expect that, but do know that you need to put in some effort too.
I have finished my first semester and it has lived up to my great expectations. The semester just blew past me. There was so much to do and so much to learn! I just can't wait for the next semester to begin.

USC School of Cinematic Arts IS definitely the best film school.
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Chris W
Chris W
Do you have an update for this review?
Sibi is one of my Student Instructors. It's funny to come back to this site and see his name but actually recognize it now. I'll ask him to update his review next time I see him. Also I'll offer my own review at the end of this semester (I'd be amazed if it isn't 5 stars).
It's pretty understandable why they continuously rank top 3 on every Best Film School list.
Reviewed by: Admitted Applicant
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: Film and Television Production
I just went to their graduate admitted students day, and needless to say, it's pretty understandable why they continuously rank top 3 on every Best Film School list. Friendly and knowledgeable faculty, committed students, and they had pulled a nice, diverse group together for this coming year which is very important to me as a filmmaker. Not sure where I'm going yet, but definitely impressed!
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Let's be honest: It's USC film school.
Reviewed by: Current Student
Degree: MA/MFA
Concentration: Writing for Screen & Television
  • esteemed faculty
  • talented cohort
  • successful mentors
  • guest lecturers
  • easy to question your skills when compared to successful cohort (big fish, big pond)
  • not much flexibility with the 2-yr program (for writer/dir/producers)
  • compartmentalized
It's tough to rate the pros and cons, since I'm still early in Writing program.

I will say that the benefits of being in LA, in a prestigious program, with working professionals as professors and mentors far outweigh any anxiety about tuition or eventually making it as a working writer (tongue-in-cheek).

I was personally apprehensive about being at a private school in the land of the "super-fake", where everyone's scheming to exploit you (I'm from the Midwest). I originally favored the NY schools because I wanted to be a "pure writer" and focus on developing my "voice", but USC SCA provides that by vouching for you and your talents.

And luckily, the screen/tv writing program isn't cutthroat... but our guest visitors and lecturers never hesitate to remind us that the industry can be a tough nut to crack. And the cohorts bring a wide array of talent and experience. A lot of lessons that would take years to learn alone in the industry are expedited through the decades worth of experience shared.

Plus, let's be honest: It's USC film school. Even though there are other GREAT programs out there to choose from, The Industry is out here and there's a lot of Trojans making big moves. It's highly encouraging to know that many alumni are finding success in various facets. From being staffed within years of graduation, to linking up with other students to develop pilots, web series, and short films.

Yet, with only one semester to "judge/review", it seems like each program is compartmentalized. We spend a lot of time writing, while the other depts. focus on their projects. The writing program is only 2 years, while the production program is a 3yr MFA and they admit in the spring for their program too. There's probably more chances to collaborate later on, but there's also value in distinguishing yourself first and working on your individual craft.

All in all, I feel like I'm in the best program to help prepare me for a long career in film/tv. Even the cons are valid for specific reasons. There's no perfect program out there, but USC definitely makes sure to challenge you, while also preparing you for a long career. I'm much more confident in this program, LA, and producing good content.

(feel free to ask more specific questions if this is still too vague)
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Hi, there. Can you elaborate here?

but there's also value in distinguishing yourself first and working on your individual craft.

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