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  1. ScriptToScreenDream

    Good TX undergrad film schools?

    Hi, I went to UT's undergrad film program. Okay, so here's the thing. There are lower-level courses and there are upper-level courses. You have to complete all four lower-level classes (which include 3 media study classes and 1 intro production class) before you can take any upper-level courses...
  2. ScriptToScreenDream

    AFI Directing 2022

    Got the official rejection email today. But that's not a surprise because I didn't get an interview. Oh well. Congrats to everyone who got in or got waitlisted!
  3. ScriptToScreenDream

    NYU Graduate Film 2022

    I'd say do it individually. you might have talked about something specific regarding a school, etc. that doesn't apply to the others
  4. ScriptToScreenDream

    NYU Graduate Film 2022

    I like to send thank you emails. Mine usually go like this: Hello [Professor/Mr./Ms. name], I thoroughly enjoyed talking with you this [morning/afternoon]. Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate your answers to my questions, especially about [whatever major question that you got...
  5. ScriptToScreenDream

    USC Film Production MFA 2022

    Just got the email that I am waitlisted!!!! 😁 Looking forward to attending USC either in the fall (if I get off the waitlist) or in spring 2023!!
  6. ScriptToScreenDream

    AFI Directing 2022

    you'll be too busy to work a side job. all of the afi alum i've spoken to have said so. that and you'll be so busy prepping for your shoot and working on others' shoots
  7. ScriptToScreenDream

    USC Film Production MFA 2022

    hey! long story short, a good friend of mine was already a PA and send in my resume when a position opened up :) as for the interview, her scheduling system let you know upfront it would be an hour long. I've applied and been interviewed previously, and those were short interviews . just...
  8. ScriptToScreenDream

    USC Film Production MFA 2022

    Hi everyone, yesterday evening I got an email from Linda J. Brown for an interview! I just finished our interview today. We talked for a full hour!!! but it didn't seem that long. It felt like a good interview, so I'm hoping for the best. Questions asked: When were you happiest? She asked me...
  9. ScriptToScreenDream

    Attending (Off Waitlist After Interview) USC MFA Film & Television Production

    I've applied three times prior (Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022), and was waitlisted for Spring 2021 and denied admittance for the other two. So, I am very familiar with USC's MFA application and requirements. I honestly couldn't bear to write another version of a Personal Statement based on...
  10. ScriptToScreenDream

    USC Film/TV Production MFA Media Sample - Existing project or brand new one?

    I have a friend who was accepted with his first application and he submitted a project he'd made two years prior. he was the writer/director of that project. (sorry for the way-past-the-deadline reply; hopefully, this helps future applicants)
  11. ScriptToScreenDream

    AFI Directing 2022

    I know that both films have been watched at least 95% or higher for two days' viewings. However, I also submitted the video links to other schools, so I have no idea who is watching it
  12. ScriptToScreenDream

    AFI Directing 2022

    Hi, I know I'm way late answering this. The admission person I talked to said it has to be narrative, unless you're applying for cinematography and want to submit it as part of your portfolio
  13. ScriptToScreenDream

    Applied NYU MFA Film & Television Production - Directing/Writing track

    Second time applying, so I was familiar with the process. Probably should've spent more time on the writing supplemental materials. Sent in a short film that I recently made.
  14. ScriptToScreenDream

    Denied (w/o Interview) AFI Conservatory Directing Fall 2022

    Application process went as smoothly as it could. Having applied once previously, I was familiar with the expectations and how long it would take me to accomplish the requirements. For the directing track, I submitted a short film that I recently made, as well as the Topic short film.
  15. ScriptToScreenDream

    USC MFA Film & TV Production Spring 2022

    I didn't get in either :( so I applied for the first time for spring 2021 and got interviewed and waitlisted (which was great and exciting!). but for my fall 2021 and spring 2022 applications, i've been outrightly rejected/not offered admission. I don't understand what's going wrong. Is it...
  16. ScriptToScreenDream

    Comment by 'ScriptToScreenDream' in Application 'AFI Directing Fall 2021'

    Love your short films!! They're both so captivating!! How was the interview process?
  17. ScriptToScreenDream

    Denied (After Interview) USC MFA Directing/Production - Spring 2022

    This is my third time applying, so I'm very familiar with the process. I added some new work to my portfolio. Re-wrote my Personal Statement, chose a new Writing Sample, and new supplemental film to showcase.
  18. ScriptToScreenDream

    NYU Grad Film school Fall 2021

    Congratulations to everyone who got in and everyone waitlisted!! If you're comfortable sharing, I would love to some of your portfolio submissions. I didn't get an interview so I'd appreciate seeing the caliber I need to work up to. Feel free to DM me or reply here :) Thank you in advance :)
  19. ScriptToScreenDream

    American Film Institute (AFI) - Directing Applicants 2021

    P.S. If anyone who was accepted or waitlisted would be willing to share (privately or publicly, however you wish) the links to the projects you submitted, I would be very appreciative!!! I'd love to see the quality of storytelling I need to work up to :)
  20. ScriptToScreenDream

    American Film Institute (AFI) - Directing Applicants 2021

    Rejected but no surprise there since I wasn't interviewed haha. Let's try again next year! Congratulations to everyone who got in and everyone waitlisted!!! I look forward to seeing y'all do AMAs in the future!

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