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    USC School of Cinematic Arts

    opqwhj posted a new question on the film school USC Cinematic Arts - Film and Television Production (MFA).
  2. USC School of Cinematic Arts

    Question by 'opqwhj' on film school 'USC School of Cinematic Arts'

    When will cinematography students learn how to shot with the film? when will production students have courses of their selected area?
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    2nd Year USC School of Cinematic Arts MFA Student, AMA

    Hello. I wonder if cinematography students would have some required or selected courses to learn the real film, the celluloid?
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    Comment by 'opqwhj' in Application 'UCLA - Cinematography Fall 2020'

    Have you tried to reach them? 5month! Do not send emails, call them!
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    Comment by 'opqwhj' in Application 'UCLA - Cinematography Fall 2020'

    Hi, Leon. I also applied for UCLA cinematography program. Have you heard of any reply from them?
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    Comment by 'opqwhj' in Application 'UCLA - Cinematography 2020'

    Thanks a lot! Let's wait for the good news.
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    Comment by 'opqwhj' in Application 'UCLA - Cinematography 2020'

    Hi, Mihika. I also applied for UCLA cinematography program. Have you heard of any reply of them? Or do you know anyone who got a notification for the program?
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    Comment by 'opqwhj' in Application 'Chapman - Directing 2019'

    Hi, congratulation! How was your interview? I have been noticed the interview too. I just want to know what questions did they asked you? and why it needs to take half a day to finish this activity?

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