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  1. masha

    Comment by 'masha' in Application 'UCLA MFA Cinematography 2023'

    Hi! Are you attending to this program or not?
  2. masha

    Comment by 'masha' in Application 'AFI Cinematography 2023'

    Hi! Thank you. Well, they asked me about my 10/60 task, my strengths, why I chose AFI. That’s it! Good luck)
  3. masha

    Comment by 'masha' in Application 'AFI MFA Cinematography - 2023'

    Hi! Have you been interviewed already? How was it? Mine is on February 6th and I'm getting very nervous. Hahah
  4. masha

    Interviewed AFI Cinematography 2023

    The hardest thing for me was the motivation letter. I've never done anything like this before. When I was applying to VGIK cinematography program there was only an interview part(+stills and physics exam). The easiest part for me was selecting stills and visual samples.

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