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  1. Septopus7

    2nd Year AFI Screenwriting Fellow, Accepted USC Screenwriting Applicant, Multi-Year Applicant Person - AMA!

    1) Frankly, I chose AFI because the offered me the most in terms of scholarship support. But I applied to them because they seemed like a rigorous and practical deep dive into what life is like in the film industry, and so far in my experience that has in fact proven to be true. 2) We do a lot...
  2. Septopus7

    2nd Year AFI Screenwriting Fellow, Accepted USC Screenwriting Applicant, Multi-Year Applicant Person - AMA!

    Hi llueve! Congrats on your interview! Hope it went well. To address your questions: 1) You know it's kind of a hard one to define, in probably a good way. Everybody at AFI is pretty different, and for my year at least, what ends up happening is that most groups form based around those with...
  3. Septopus7

    AFI Directing Narrative statement - Does it have to be in essay format? Or can I experiment with a different approach to the text?

    I would agree largely with what's been said so far, with a caveat - I did mine in kind of a traditional essay style. I heard of others who went different with it. That's fine. But I would seriously consider the "why" of it if you decide to do something more oddball - I can't tell you for sure...
  4. Septopus7

    2nd Year AFI Screenwriting Fellow, Accepted USC Screenwriting Applicant, Multi-Year Applicant Person - AMA!

    Hello applicants, Septopus here. You might have seen this article I recently posted, re: my experience applying and getting into AFI, USC, etc. I wrote at length - way too at length, probably, like did anyone actually get through that thing, cause I sure didn't - but thought I would reach...
  5. After Three Years of Rejection, I Got Into The Two Best Film Schools in The World. Here Are The Five Things I Learned...

    After Three Years of Rejection, I Got Into The Two Best Film Schools in The World. Here Are The Five Things I Learned...’re applying for film school, huh? I mean, that’s just my assumption. Not sure why you would bother reading this otherwise, especially with where we are currently in The Cycle of Applications. These next couple weeks are pretty much when all the major film school programs have their...
  6. Septopus7

    AFI Intellectual Property Agreement concerns

    You can use them for your edited snipped together reel (I believe they might have a maximum length limit for how much you can use, but don't quote me on that), but you can't post the short in its entirity. Has to be just a part of a highlight reel with other, non-cycle films.
  7. Septopus7

    AFI Intellectual Property Agreement concerns

    Scripts are always yours. The only thing they own is the rights to your completed cycle films (which you make first year) and thesis films (which you make second year.) Now with thesis you still have the ability to share the film on the festival circuit, alongside AFI. Cycle films go in the...
  8. Septopus7

    Film School MFA No Experience?????

    The best thing about Screenwriting, if that's where you want to focus in, is that it takes pretty much no more than your brain to accomplish. Pretty much every screenwriter is self-taught in some way, even if you took classes or have a degree. You can build your own "experience" quite easily...
  9. Septopus7

    AFI Producing 2019

    I have no idea either (nothing on the website mentions it), but my guess would be no as well, for much the same reason many other programs do not: they are specifically building a class of applicants who they think (or hope) can work together, has unique and complimentary skills, and who fit...
  10. Septopus7

    AFI Producing 2019

    I'm not @Yuk, but that's never stopped me opening my mouth before: according to his applications, he accepted Columbia Creative Producing's program, which is why he turned down AFI completely, rather than deffered them. Here's his comment that he put on his application:
  11. Septopus7

    How do letters of recommendation work?

    Most schools have it so that the letters are submitted by the recommenders online. So what would happen is you give the school your recommenders email at some point in the application process, they send an email out to them requesting they submit the letter, and your recommender uploads it him...
  12. Septopus7

    USC Screenwriting MFA - Fall 2019

    As an asshole previously struggling to make the call, I wish you luck. Ultimately I followed the money and, in your case, the money is with USC (@cdemonis right, in that USC costs about $15k less a year than AFI does.) That being said, kinda sucks that you already put down the thousand. Clearly...
  13. Septopus7

    USC Screenwriting MFA - Fall 2019

    Glad to see people on this forum being offered a seat! At least one of them is mine! Hopefully USC can be more of a reality for y'all. @ahdu Have you paid the AFI deposit yet?
  14. Septopus7

    Comment by 'Septopus7' in Application 'AFI - Screenwriting 2019'

    Yeah -- I even dangled my AFI letter in there faces, and flat out said that unless I got something, I would have to walk. Either they thought I was bluffing, or really didn't care what I did. But endpoint was the same: AFI all the way, ba-by!
  15. Septopus7

    Comment by 'Septopus7' in Application 'AFI - Screenwriting 2019'

    Nothing but the free T-shirt they gave me during the Admitted Graduate Student day. Which admittedly was nice, just not $120k nice. I contacted them numerous times to, so I know I did what I could. They must have just liked people more than me. Which, hey: fair.
  16. Septopus7

    NYU Grad Film vs. UCLA Production/Directing

    Honestly, I'm just happy not to be in a state of constant doubt anymore -- I made my choice, and now I can move forward based on that. Which is why, though I empathize with the ordeal at large, I don't envy your exact situation -- you already made a decision, and then UCLA had to come in and...
  17. Septopus7

    NYU Grad Film vs. UCLA Production/Directing

    Wait, they offered you that scholarship AFTER you denied them? TWICE, even? Wow, that feels like quite the rarity, and it really must mean UCLA wants you, to do such a thing. I'd take the plunge if I were you, but NYU with funding isn't such a bad choice either. In any case, good luck coming to...
  18. Septopus7

    Film School Reading List

    Would agree with the sentiment of @Cdemon @kid_a2. The internet has made getting a hold of these screenplays so simple, with thousands available to download with a simple search. They are invaluable and, frankly, puts the whole "craft" into perspective for me while I read them. Crafting a full...
  19. Septopus7

    UCLA MFA Screenwriting 2019

    When it comes to actually searching for housing, I've recently landed on Padmapper as a really good resource. Compared to some of the others (Craigslist,, Trulia, etc.), it's actually providing a wide assortment of different (and feasible!) living options. Can't guaranteed it will...
  20. Septopus7

    USC Screenwriting MFA - Fall 2019

    So I am officially going with AFI folks, so that means a least one spot will be opening up at USC for the admitted class. So for anyone who got waitlisted, or somehow still hasn't heard back (which I feel might be the Screenwriting divisions way of waitlisting), there will at least be one spot...

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