Haha well definitely do your own research but I’m glad it’s checking your boxes. It’s a great place to be. Good luck, and feel free to reach out during the process. I was really lucky to have welcoming helpful people give me great input during my application cycle, so happy to pay it forward.
I did not interview. I don’t think they interview for screenwriting.
If I had to boil it down to one thing I love about the program (lots of little things I love about it are tributaries of this), the SCA in general but our program in particular is very alive. A lot of care goes into who is...
Hey all. I’m in my first year in the program. It has been a transformative, magical experience. There really isn’t a lot I’d want to change about it, I’m very happy with my decision. Happy to answer any questions people have. I got really good help from a current student in my cycle and I’m...
I’m in my first year of the program, Class of ‘26. I’d be happy to answer any questions. One of the great things about USC (and this board) is the spirit of helping each other.
A few graduating current students were really huge for me on making my decision, and I’m happy to pass that on. I...
I was accepted today. I am committed elsewhere but willing to do my due diligence if anybody from the current or previous class is willing to talk to me!
I don’t mind sharing my samples if anybody wants to dm me. They’re not being developed into anything, just a goofy little exercise I did for the application.
I'm doing my due diligence and there are still a few shoes left to drop, but I'd say its more likely than not that I accept my offer. Was told I'd find out about my financial aid package on 3/29. That's the main thing. If they can get me close, I'll be there.
It's been intersting. They had a unique application, rather than one or two big scripts to parse through, they gave 2 custom 5 page scenes they wanted. There were like a dozen mini essays. It seemed like they didn't want to get the same kit that every other school get's, so the essays are...
I'm in the same boat as you I believe where I did not get any response post interview. I haven't had the guts to follow up but probably will today. Very aggravating. Speaks poorly for the program. It was also the worst interview I did. But I would still like to get in and consider them. Bummer...
Sorry, I didn't post when this happened but I was accepted to USC for Writing for Film/Television MFA on 2/22. Good luck all!
Side note, I've actually found their website and admin infrastructure a little opaque and I'm having trouble getting answers to things. One thing I would really like to...
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