My application process was simple. I spoke with the Department Chair in September, and had been in constant communication with my Graduate Admissions Advisor.
The hardest part of the entire process was deciding which documentary I wanted to send.
Hey guys,
Hope everyone is doing well and moving forward during these times as we get through them and look towards our path to film school! So, I have decided on which school I will be attending in the fall. However, this means I now have to regretfully let the other schools I got into know...
Last summer, I visited both AFI and Chapman Dodge. I recently got accepted to both of these schools for Production Design. I am currently finishing up my undergraduate degree in New York for Interior Design.
I liked AFI for its convenient location of being in Los Angeles, and it also being a...
Hello fellow USC screenwriting hopefuls!
So the time is upon us again. I've just spoken to the Cinematic Arts dept. today and apparently applications were sent out for review yesterday - so... yeah. It's begun.
This is my third time applying, USC is the dream school for screenwriting, but I've...
I would like to apply for an MFA in screenwriting. I have bachelors degrees, but they're not related to theater, film, etc. I also have held administrative jobs that are also not related to the industry (I have applied countless times to assistant positions and internships related to writing and...
Click here ---->>>> Application Tracker
Hi everyone!
I decided to post this as its own tread so it would be helpful for years to come and easilly accessable! Behind the link you can find the google spread sheet where everyone (non...
So I'm from South Africa and intend on applying as an undergraduate to Tisch Film & Television but after doing quite a bit of research and still being pretty confused I've come here, to see if you kind people could point me in the right direction.
1. Firstly, as my country's national exam is...
After looking through the site, I've noticed that most of the threads are spread out by school or outdated by a year. As such, I'm going to start a new post for those of us that submitted MFA packages for the upcoming fall semester. I personally submitted to:
Columbia College Chicago
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simply navigate to the Acceptance Rates tab on each film
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