
  1. VinnieJacked

    Interview Scheduled AFI Cinematography 2025

    The application process was very time-consuming but I enjoyed it! The 10/60 assignment was a bit tricky and I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with it but everything else went great. The school's online open days and info sessions were helpful as well.
  2. P

    Applied AFI Directing - Fall 2025

    Pretty straight forward application. I took an essay from another app and expanded it to fulfill the few specific requirements AFI asked for outside of the general personal statement.
  3. A

    Applied AFI - Directing

    The essays ask a lot of introspective questions that take time to think over and answer thoughtfully. I found that to be the most difficult and intensive part of the application, but other than that very straightforward.
  4. HatsOnHatsOnHats

    Interview Scheduled AFI MFA Screenwriting

    The application itself was pretty straightforward. I was a little disappointed with the online info sessions, since the one I attended was not at all geared toward helping current applicants. The moderator was just asking a group of grads about their experience at AFI, but not in a helpful way...
  5. HatsOnHatsOnHats

    Applied AFI MFA Producing Program

    The application itself was pretty straightforward. I was a little disappointed with the online info sessions, since the one I attended was not at all geared toward helping current applicants. The moderator was just asking a group of grads about their experience at AFI, but not in a helpful way...
  6. maydib

    Interviewed AFI Producing Fall 2025

    It was relatively easy, some short essay questions, a personal statement, a treatment, and a short video. It took me about 2 weeks to complete everything. Only needed 2 recommendations.
  7. Chris W

    AFI Applicants 2025

    AFI just announced that applications are open 9/6/2024. Who's applying this year? They have a zoom info session on 9/6 as well at 9:30am PST via zoom for questions about the application process: In addition to the zoom...
  8. N

    AFI Grads who took on loans to attend: Was the investment worth the hefty debt? How are you managing the payments?

    I am applying to the AFI directing program in the coming months. Its my absolute dream program, it's claiming to offer everything I want and sounds like game changer in every way fro navigating this career. The downside; I'll be taking on well over six figures of debt. I feel confident I can...
  9. M

    AFI Editing - 2025

    I'm putting together my application for the editing program at AFI, but I'm struggling to find information about the program from the student's perspective. I found several threads for other programs at AFI, but not many for editing. I want to know what you expected the program to be like X what...
  10. Tal Lazar (AFI Cinematography MFA‘09) on Choosing the Right Film School and the Beauty of Not Knowing (Part 2)

    Tal Lazar (AFI Cinematography MFA‘09) on Choosing the Right Film School and the Beauty of Not Knowing (Part 2)

    Exclusively for our Supporting Members, this is the second part of our 1.5 hour interview with award-winning filmmaker Tal Lazar, who teaches cinematography at Columbia University and the City College of New York. is 100% advertisement free so without our Supporting Members...
  11. Tal Lazar (AFI Cinematography MFA‘09) on Choosing the Right Film School and the Beauty of Not Knowing (Part 1)

    Tal Lazar (AFI Cinematography MFA‘09) on Choosing the Right Film School and the Beauty of Not Knowing (Part 1)

    Tal Lazar is an award-winning cinematographer, producer, and educator who has studied and taught at some of the most prolific film schools worlwide, most notably the American Film Institute Conservatory (AFI) and Columbia University's School of the Arts. His films (The Unborn, Every Time I Die...
  12. skyfall92

    Attending (Admitted After Interview) AFI Production Design MFA - Fall 2024

    It has gone really fast so far. I got most of the stuff done within a week and got an interview for the following week after. The interview I think went well but I’m not so sure. We will see I guess. This was the only school I applied to for production design.
  13. TalLazar

    Going to film school at the age of AI

    Hello everyone, My name is Tal Lazar. I am a cinematographer and educator. I have taught at the American Film Institute Conservatory for 7 years and currently teaching for Columbia University School of the Art film program, as well as other film schools and programs. I have participated in...
  14. Alexa P.

    What Questions Do You Have for Tal Lazar, an Instructor at Columbia University SOA and The City College of New York?

    Hi everyone! I'm excited to announce that I'm conducting an interview with Tal Lazar, an instructor at Columbia University School of the Arts and The City College of New York, a partner & CEO of New York based production company MiLa Media, and the head Quonder, a next generation online learning...
  15. E

    I need some advice:Study in China or Study Abroad?

    Hi,guys.I am a student from China. I am interested in the whole process of filmmaking, but I mainly want to learn cinematography. I'm now torn between whether I should study abroad for an MFA (US, UK) or stay in China to prepare for my postgraduate exams. (Beijing Film Academy) I hope you can...
  16. j.adamfilm

    Help! USC or AFI

    I'm looking to primarily focus on Cinematography and would also like to learn CGI and AI creation as well. I would also like to do some directing however those two are the main ones that I am focusing on especially for a film school degree, cinematography being #1 and the most important to me...
  17. mateofro

    Interviewed AFI - PRODUCING

    The application was easy and straightforward, especially compared to other schools. The interview went well and it was more like a conversation than anything else.
  18. K

    Applied AFI Directing - 2024

    Not necessarily hard, the lack of fee waiver for the application fee was a bummer but I managed to apply still. I directed two shorts solely for this application season, and doing that along with my undergrad studies was pretty hard. I tried my best to spend most of my energy into the films, but...
  19. J

    Admitted (After Interview) AFI Cinematography Fall 2024 - MFA

    Second time applying in back to back years, managed to submit both old and new material. The entire AFI process has been tough and filled with ups and downs as I was able to get interviewed last year but waitlisted and didn't hear back. This time though, I feel way more prepared and ready to...
  20. M

    AFI 2024 - All Applicants

    Just creating a general thread for all AFI 2024 applicants. I applied to the editing program, feeling good about it. What's everyone else applying for? How are you feeling about applying? And has anyone gotten an interview email yet?

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