
  1. MildBlandChiliPepper

    Denied (After Interview) UCLA

    So far so good! The materials were a little contradictory so I pored over the info on this site and their paperwork like a lawyer. It seems to have helped so far because I am in for an interview! I submitted two and three-page responses as extra documents instead of filling them out in the...
  2. yeoknow

    UCLA TFT Freshmen Film BA Admissions - FALL 2023 INTERVIEWS

    I was wondering if anyone who applied to UCLA TFT as freshmen for film and tv production got an interview request yet. I haven't gotten one and the waiting game is not sitting well with me... :(
  3. K

    UCLA TFT Transfer Film BA Admissions - FALL 2023 INTERVIEWS

    Hello, I’m a prospective transfer student for UCLA Film School for the application cycle of Fall 2023. I’m pretty nervous & anxious because I haven’t received any sort of interview invitation and it is already March 8, 2023. Can any prospective transfers on the undergraduate level confirm...
  4. Lyu

    Interviewed AFI

    So far, I have only received interview from AFI producing program, The interview went very well! I haven't received the interview from USC ( film production--producer ) yet......😭 . But I've heard of any cases where they were admitted without interview! But I'm international student( China), I...
  5. Chris W

    USC Film School Interview Questions

    Please share your USC interview questions in this thread as well as the application year thread. :) Also here's our old article with past interview questions to all programs:
  6. Chris W

    AFI Interview Questions

    Here are some interview questions from this year. Please quote and post others in this thread that you find.
  7. P

    How do interviews work?

    Hi All! I'm applying to film schools for the Fall of 2023, and I've often seen tags specifying someones admission with or without an interview. I was curious as to how interviews work for college. Do I schedule an interview myself? Do all schools allow you to schedule interviews? When should I...
  8. N

    What is the NFTS - Film Studies, Programming and Curation Interview like?

    I was just notified yesterday that I have been selected for an interview. For any current students or alumni, what was the process like? I'm an international student (American) and this is my first time doing an interview for grad school. Any info is greatly appreciated.
  9. latcat

    Has anyone heard from for transfer for NYU tisch? Also are interviews required?

    Has anyone heard from for transfer for NYU tisch? Also are interviews required?
  10. Z

    Denied (After Interview) AFI - Cinematography Fall 2022

    The application process was pretty smooth for me. I started preparing pretty early on before the supporting materials were even updated. I attended both of the zoom sessions held for applicants, they are both very helpful and I highly recommend attending them. In the first one, you get to talk...
  11. sidsingh

    Regarding Calarts 2022 interview

    Hey guys didn't see a thread for calarts 2022 so here we go. just had a few questions regarding their interview background and expectations, specifically the film direction course. if anyone has any minute input, please let me know. Thanks :)
  12. How to get Into FSU College of Motion Picture Arts: Tips from Paige Roberts, Head of Admissions (Part 1)

    How to get Into FSU College of Motion Picture Arts: Tips from Paige Roberts, Head of Admissions (Part 1)

    Located in the heart of Tallahassee, Florida State University’s College of Motion Picture Arts is a diverse, budget-friendly film school with an impressive alumni network. In addition to offering two BFA and MFA film degrees, aspiring filmmakers can also attend their Torchlight Program, a...
  13. caprimoon

    Research on the MPAA

    Hey Filmmakers, I am a Film Student from Germany and I am currently researching the MPAA for my Bachelors Thesis. If any of you have interacted with them in the past I'd love to Interview you about it! The point of my research is to find out how they work with independant Filmmakers like us...
  14. justinsivilla

    UCLA tft Undergrad transfer Interview?

    Have any transfers received an interview from UCLA tft? I'd assume that this has already happened because admissions decisions for transfers are only a few weeks away. Any insight on this would be helpful.
  15. omsnyc3

    Should I follow up with thank you email to those who interviewed me?

    Hey there, Looking for any advice on this. Prior to my interview for NYU's Grad Film MFA, I was given the names of the faculty who would be conducting my interview - however I was not given their contact info. Their school emails are publicly available on the school's site/their page however...
  16. C

    UCLA TFT undergraduate interviews?

    Hey guys, I applied for TFT back in December and I’m getting kinda anxious about waiting for an interview, since it’s already late February. Does anyone know if they’ve already sent them out for film applications? My friend had told me about how she got an interview as a Theater applicant, and...
  17. L

    If you get an interview email from the school you applied, can you choose the date for the interview?

    Hi guys. So I'm playing the waiting game here and also am practicing some interview questions on my own. I was wondering as I wrote in the title, do I get the chance to choose which dates I'm comfortable for the interview if I get to do the interview? Does anyone know the answer to this?
  18. JoanCrawford

    Northwestern Writing for Screen and Stage Fall 2020

    By golly, I'm making this thread so that I can provide some basic information about this program. I'm about to have my interview and I don't know what they're going to ask me. I'll update this post about my preparation and interview once it happens. Hopefully, someone out in the deep blue...
  19. 9 Important Tips for your Film School Interview

    9 Important Tips for your Film School Interview

    Got your film school interview coming up? The application and admission process for a competitive film school program can be overwhelming; our forums provide tons of experience from members spread out over the years on how their interview went, the questions they asked, and, in hindsight, the...
  20. S

    What to wear for UCLA skype interview

    Hi all! I was recently emailed about being selected for a skype interview for UCLA. I'm freaking out about what to wear, though. I've read that skype interviews are pretty laid back, but I haven't heard how people have dressed for theirs. Casual or business casual? Also, what type of questions...

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