
  1. VinnieJacked

    Denied (w/o Interview) NFTS Cinematography MA 2025

    I spent quite a lot of time preparing my application and answering all the prompts on their website. It turned out to be much more cumbersome than I anticipated. I was happy with my answers and felt satisfied with my application. Looking in retrospect I think the films I submitted were'nt...
  2. L

    Admitted (After Interview) MA Producing - 2025

    Very thorough application process which PDF application plus a supporting materials set of questions and short treatment for a Film/TV Series including two producers whose work you admire, a producing book that has inspired you and others. Received interview invitation on 28th May for the 15th...
  3. K

    NFTS, UAL, Escape Studios - MA in VFX; 2024 and 2025 Applications, etc etc

    Hey everyone:) Just found this site, after looking for some info on NFTS acceptance rates! Seems like a gold mine haha I applied to a few MA's now - the VFX courses at UAL, Escape Studios and NFTS, and MSc of Creative Robotics at UAL CCI. As a current student at UAL, CCW, I know how both...
  4. emmadavismedia

    Denied (After Interview) NFTS Directing Documentary - 2025

    The application process has been pretty smooth! The day after I started my application, I got a call from the school just to check in and see if I had any questions about the application process and to let me know about their open days (shoutout to Lucy who called me - she was so sweet!). I...
  5. agbango

    Denied (w/o Interview) NFTS SCREENWRITING 2025

    Straightforward application process, references not needed until interview stage which is great. I found the questions really interesting to answer although I found the word counts a little steep and didn't meet them every question.
  6. emmadavismedia

    2025 - NFTS Directing Documentary MA

    Hi there! I haven't seen any threads about people applying for Directing Documentary at NFTS next year, so I thought I'd start one. Submitted my application on May 7th, now I'm anxiously awaiting a response. Is there anyone else out there? 😊
  7. C

    NFTS MA Producing 2025

    Hi all, Creating this thread for NFTS MA Producing 2025 applicants. Does anyone know when interview invitations are usually sent? Also, are the interviews held in person?
  8. veeauthari

    Admitted (After Interview) MA NFTS VFX (CGI) – Jan '25 (Deferred from Jan '24)

    I find the application process very efficient and the instructions were easy to follow. I actually applied for the Jan 2024 because they still had last few places available, but they offered if I wanted to defer it to the next year since I live in New York. The process of moving to the UK would...
  9. M

    NFTS - Directing Fiction Applications 2025

    Hey everyone! It's a bit early but I've just noticed the NFTS Directing Fiction course is taking applications for Jan 2025. I know this has been done pretty much every year to support those applying... and I definitely need that support lold Good luck all <3
  10. F

    MA screenwriting in London Film School, London Film Academy, Goldsmiths, NFTS, MetFilm. Where should I go?

    Hi all, I wish to apply to a ONE YEAR long MA screenwriting / filmmaking program. That's why I am looking mostly in the UK, the US doesn't have one year programs (correct me if I'm wrong please). I am looking at these institutes mentioned in title, London Film School, London Film Academy...
  11. D

    NFTS: Commuting from Long Distances (outside of London)

    Hi all, Hope your doing good. I just recieved an offer to NFTS for one of the Postgraduate Diploma's. I'm super excited for it and really wanna do the program. However, I'm a little nervous due to commuting (and money). Based on some conversations I've had I know that there are people who...
  12. Dhananjay B

    Admitted (After Interview) NFTS - Directing Animation

    Done with it, I got admitted😁. It went smoothly, with quick responses from the school. Also the selection workshop is still worth it even if you don't get admitted it kinda felt like a short course to be honest.
  13. Top 12 Film Certificate Programs

    Top 12 Film Certificate Programs

    Film certificate programs can help novice filmmakers and seasoned professionals alike sharpen their creative toolkit and network for a more affordable price. We investigated top-rated film certificate programs for every type of student, accounting for affordability, accessibility (including...
  14. pesmefe

    Interested in an MA in Cinematography (UK)

    Hello everyone, I'm currently at the end of my second year of my undergraduate and I am interested in studying Cinematography in the UK. The places I am looking at right now are: - Goldsmiths - University of the Arts, London - Met Film School - London Film School - National Film and TV School...
  15. NFTS - Filmmaking Certificate

    NFTS - Filmmaking Certificate

    NFTS’ core film certificate program prepares you for diverse industry careers, from VFX artist to film director. This part-time, six-month course consists of 48 classes taught on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings online and ends with a five-day, hands-on practicum at the Beaconsfield...
  16. S

    Applied NFTS MA Screenwriting - 2024 entry

    Application process was smooth. Submitted a few days before the deadline and received an email confirming that my application had been received shortly afterwards. Waited about two months until I was notified of an interview. They requested that I notify my referees and have them submit letters...
  17. B

    Applied NFTS MA Screenwriting - 2024 entry

    Submitted my application with a 20 page screenplay and a short story on 4th May. Got an invitation to an interview on 28th June. Interview will take place on 13th July.
  18. T

    NFTS 2024 - Cinematography Applications

    Hey guys, does anyone know about if the cinematography course has started sending out interview invites? Some alumni told me they got the notification usually around early/mid-June but it seems this year everything's moving much slower..
  19. ItWasJack

    NFTS 2024 - Composing for Film and Television

    Well, it's that time of year! I didn't see a thread for this yet, so I figured I'd make it. This is my first time applying, and I would love to connect to other folks applying and share in the terror of The Waiting Game.
  20. M

    NFTS 2024 - Directing Fiction Applications

    ♫ Here I go again [not] on my own ♫ ♫ Going down the only road I've ever known ♫ Attempt number 4.... when will it stop? 😅

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