
  1. mschoenberg72

    USC SCA 2024 - Screenwriting Admission Decision

    Hello, just a quick question I saw someone received their acceptance yesterday, as in their status was updated on their profile and I received an email yesterday saying the admissions for SCA also updated my status, I want to prepare myself for it being a rejection so I wanted to ask if anyone...
  2. valkxng

    Waitlisted (After Interview) USC/SCA Film & Television Production MFA

    I completed my undergrad in 2020, so the very first thing I did was reach out to former professors (MONTHS in advance) and beg for a letter of recommendation. And it took me about 3-4 weeks to write my personal statement. I had rewritten it about 6 times before I was satisfied with it. I have...
  3. How to get Into USC SCA: Advice from an Admissions Committee Member

    How to get Into USC SCA: Advice from an Admissions Committee Member interviewed USC SCA undergraduate admissions committee advisor @USCSCAAlumni/Faculty after their first interview with tips for admissions and attending USC SCA. They work as a screenwriter and an undergraduate film professor in the Production division. They received their MFA from...
  4. S

    Applied USC-SCA-Transfer-Fall 2024

    I submitted a 5 min short film that I wrote/directed. Solid letters of recommendation from industry professionals. The process took a long time for me because of the multiple essays and writing samples. SCA is one of those things where I feel like no matter your GPA it comes down to if you fit...
  5. S

    Looking for feedback on USC Cinematic Arts (Animation) Personal Statement!

    Hey there, I'm applying to the animation and digital arts major, and I know it's short notice but I am desperate to run this essay by a few people lol. Any advice or criticism at all is sincerely appreciated. Thank you! “Sami Jan, come on! We’re going to be late to your amoo’s party!” My...
  6. USC SCA Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics

    USC SCA Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics

    The University of Southern California is one of the most competitive universities worldwide. According to, the School of Cinematic arts has an acceptance rate of only 3%. However, members have reported much higher acceptance rates. Thanks to our Application...
  7. M

    Applied USC Transfer application fall 2023

    USC SCA application has gone well. USC's proper common application was less than perfect but my application directly to SCA was strong. No interviews are given to transfer applicants according to USC's website so just playing the waiting game currently. USC is also the dream. With such a...
  8. D

    USC SCA Film Production MFA 2023

    Hey guys, I got accepted for fall 22 but couldn't attend due to personal reasons so I'm reapplying for fall 23. Do all of my creative submissions have to be brand new? Example: the personal statement, visual sample, writing sample? what parts of my application can be the same and which parts...
  9. D

    Waitlisted at USC

    Hello everyone! I was recently waitlisted by USC (Cinema and Media Studies MA). How long do you think I have to wait until I receive my decision? Is it true that I might not hear back from them until April? I’ve been waitlisted since January 21st and the wait has been killing me 😭 Also, how...
  10. N

    Denied (w/o Interview) USC SCA Film & Television Production

    The application process itself was straightforward. Everything is really clear and easy to follow. I'm also grateful for all the available resources and tips found online, especially on here. It's all helped form an idea of what they're looking for.
  11. N

    Feedback on USC MFA Film Production Personal Statement?

    Hey everyone! I'm currently writing and rewriting my personal statement for SCA. I've been looking at a lot of online advice encouraging an essay that showcases personality and individuality above all else. I've honestly been struggling trying to find a balance that shows the kind of person I am...
  12. M

    Waitlisted (After Interview) USC MFA

  13. Being Creative in Stillness: A Conversation With Nolan Lampson, Writing for Film & Television Freshman at USC

    Being Creative in Stillness: A Conversation With Nolan Lampson, Writing for Film & Television Freshman at USC

    Nolan Lampson ( Member @kukichiyo3) sits in his dorm with his roommate, who is folding laundry and listening to music with AirPods. The walls are covered in posters for hit indie films, including Sean Baker's The Florida Project. Lampson has spent all of freshman year working out...
  14. B

    Waitlisted (After Interview) USC Film and TV Production

  15. modb

    Admitted (After Interview) USC Film & TV Production MFA

    It seemed like a strong interview was an important factor.
  16. JPY90

    Admitted (After Interview) USC DIRECTING MFA 2021

    Informative virtual information session, fulfilling application process with scholarship questions included, nerve racking interview.
  17. theMorrigan

    USC MFA Writing for Screen & Television (Screenwriting) 2021

    Hello! I didn't see a thread for USC's MFA Writing for Screen & Television, so I figured I'd start one. How many of you are planning to apply, or have already applied? How are we feeling about the essays, challenge scenes, and 10-page writing sample? Personally, I feel like my essays are in...
  18. Z

    Admitted (After Interview) USC MFA Film - Spring 2021

  19. B

    Is there anyone planning to submit photo option for the SCA visual sample?

    Is there anyone planning to submit photo option for the visual sample?
  20. A

    USC Film & TV Production MFA Fall 2021 Applicants Unite!

    It's an unprecedented time to apply for film schools in LA but here we are, friends. Good luck to everyone! Looking forward to agonizing and swapping essays together :)

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