AFI 2024 - All Applicants

March 15th is decision day.

Watching the time tick away every day til next friday:

View attachment 3773
Someone made a game to pass the time if your want to add to that. :)

Just wanted to add my experience with my interview for editing. I interviewed with Robert Ivison and Jeremy Grody. It felt like a typical job interview. Robert was a little stern, and Jeremy was very easy going. It began with compliments on my submissions along with brief questions about my experience in editing them. Then moved on towards: where do you see yourself in 5 years? Talk about where you're from and how that shaped who you are today. What can AFI provide for you? What are some qualities that you possess that separate you from others? Who would you take a masterclass from? What movie made you want to be an editor? What problem have you had in the past, and how did you overcome it? What kind of stories do you want to tell? I fumbled on the question about a problem I overcame, I had notes that I was going over for most of the questions and a problem that I had in mind involved my time in service. However I was thrown off when they said "besides problems you faced in the Army." Then I just blanked and my mind was scrambling to think of another scenario. They also asked if I ever thought about directing. I then remembered a post on this thread about a problem of directing applicants applying to other disciplines, so I said that "I'm not really interested in directing at the moment." Then it was time for me to ask questions so I stated that "even if I don't get in to AFI, I want to walk away with something" and proceeded to ask some questions and pick their brains on things that would benefit me as an aspiring editor.
Just wanted to add my experience with my interview for editing. I interviewed with Robert Ivison and Jeremy Grody. It felt like a typical job interview. Robert was a little stern, and Jeremy was very easy going. It began with compliments on my submissions along with brief questions about my experience in editing them. Then moved on towards: where do you see yourself in 5 years? Talk about where you're from and how that shaped who you are today. What can AFI provide for you? What are some qualities that you possess that separate you from others? Who would you take a masterclass from? What movie made you want to be an editor? What problem have you had in the past, and how did you overcome it? What kind of stories do you want to tell? I fumbled on the question about a problem I overcame, I had notes that I was going over for most of the questions and a problem that I had in mind involved my time in service. However I was thrown off when they said "besides problems you faced in the Army." Then I just blanked and my mind was scrambling to think of another scenario. They also asked if I ever thought about directing. I then remembered a post on this thread about a problem of directing applicants applying to other disciplines, so I said that "I'm not really interested in directing at the moment." Then it was time for me to ask questions so I stated that "even if I don't get in to AFI, I want to walk away with something" and proceeded to ask some questions and pick their brains on things that would benefit me as an aspiring editor.
Wow. Even for me interviewing for screenwriting, it's seemed like there's a common theme of good-cop bad-cop going on. But congrats!
Wow. Even for me interviewing for screenwriting, it's seemed like there's a common theme of good-cop bad-cop going on. But congrats!
I don’t know if AFI does this, but I know other schools (at least NYU) pair you with someone who liked your application and wants you at the school and then someone who is skeptical of you. So maybe it was that? I’m not sure. I felt like both of my interviewers for screenwriting were very nice. Michael definitely asked more of the questions but they both were very nice and I didn’t personally feel good-cop bad-cop vibes.

Now I feel delusional 🤣
Just wanted to let everyone know that it's now much easier to log multiple applications to the site as you can now COPY a previously logged application. :)

If you haven't logged your applications yet please do. Hopefully, now it won't be as much of a chore It's a HUGE help to people. :)
Wow. Even for me interviewing for screenwriting, it's seemed like there's a common theme of good-cop bad-cop going on. But congrats!
From what I got from it, Robert seemed to really like my submissions and was the one who gave the most compliments on my style. So it may just be that his "sternness" is part of his personality.
Does anyone have any information or sources on the boot camp? I've heard about it in passing at a few meetings/forums. I know it's something to do with orientation but I really am not sure.
I don’t have a ton but it did come up in my interview. They didn’t give full specifics of what you do but it’s the first week and I know there are a lot of events you take part in as well as other orientation related things. Michael said that it’s basically 12 hour days everyday that week.

I will reach out to my friend who finished the directing program this past summer and see if she can provide more details.
Does anyone have any information or sources on the boot camp? I've heard about it in passing at a few meetings/forums. I know it's something to do with orientation but I really am not sure.
They talked about it a bit in my production design interview. They explained it as the first 4 weeks of "bootcamp" are from 9am-9pm, sometimes taking place during the weekend. It seems like it's mostly as a way to get everyone familiar with each other at the very least, while also getting an understanding for how AFI works.
They talked about it a bit in my production design interview. They explained it as the first 4 weeks of "bootcamp" are from 9am-9pm, sometimes taking place during the weekend. It seems like it's mostly as a way to get everyone familiar with each other at the very least, while also getting an understanding for how AFI works.
Nice, thanks. Better include a lunchbox in my school supplies budget then if I'm accepted lol.

Also just realizing for my screenwriting friends, did any of you have to pitch or speak about a story of yours? I'm realizing that they asked me to share the premise and concept of a play I wrote (being a playwright) which they seemed pretty interested in how I communicated the story.
If not applying for financial aid I don’t know why you’d have to? I didn’t either. #7days!
Oh I did submit it haha (I hope), I'm just psyching myself into thinking I never actually pressed "submit" on the application. But if you didn't need to submit, then nothin to worry about! #7DAYS
I’m pretty certain I successfully submitted the scholarship application. I don’t love that it’s a Microsoft form and does provide a confirmation though and definitely got in my head about it a few times.

Anyone else apply for the Sloan Foundation Scholarship?
🤚 not thrilled about my story I pitched for it but yes!
I actually like my story but was on production the 2 weeks before the app was due and let it sneak up on me so I ended up writing it all out less than an hour before it was due. I had to submit without proofreading and that was a mistake cause there are a few egregious errors. Mine was biopic of sorts about Chien-Shiung Wu disproving the Law of Conservation of Parity. She was a part of the Manhattan Project and I figured why not choose something topical and from an overlooked perspective (Female, Chinese-American Physicist) what with Oppenheimer’s success and those types of conversations being open right now.

What was yours? No pressure to answer if you are uncomfortable doing so.
Does anyone know what time notifications go out usually? Looking at last years it seemed like they send rejections first, then acceptances and then waitlist. But I can’t see times (at least on mobile).

I took the day off of work so that no matter what happens I will be home and able to process it.
Does anyone know what time notifications go out usually? Looking at last years it seemed like they send rejections first, then acceptances and then waitlist. But I can’t see times (at least on mobile).

I took the day off of work so that no matter what happens I will be home and able to process it.
Don't they send them out on the 14th or 15th? I don't think we'll know anything until then.
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