Just wanted to add my experience with my interview for editing. I interviewed with Robert Ivison and Jeremy Grody. It felt like a typical job interview. Robert was a little stern, and Jeremy was very easy going. It began with compliments on my submissions along with brief questions about my experience in editing them. Then moved on towards: where do you see yourself in 5 years? Talk about where you're from and how that shaped who you are today. What can AFI provide for you? What are some qualities that you possess that separate you from others? Who would you take a masterclass from? What movie made you want to be an editor? What problem have you had in the past, and how did you overcome it? What kind of stories do you want to tell? I fumbled on the question about a problem I overcame, I had notes that I was going over for most of the questions and a problem that I had in mind involved my time in service. However I was thrown off when they said "besides problems you faced in the Army." Then I just blanked and my mind was scrambling to think of another scenario. They also asked if I ever thought about directing. I then remembered a post on this thread about a problem of directing applicants applying to other disciplines, so I said that "I'm not really interested in directing at the moment." Then it was time for me to ask questions so I stated that "even if I don't get in to AFI, I want to walk away with something" and proceeded to ask some questions and pick their brains on things that would benefit me as an aspiring editor.