Woohoo! Congrats! Here's the link to gain access to the private AFI forums so you can meet your classmates:I GOT IN!!!!! WAAAHHHH I’m over the moon. Won’t hear about financial aid/scholarships for another 10 days, but holy sh*****t
To those that didn't get in don't give up and you can try again next year. We're interviewing AFI admissions this week so if you have any questions for them please let us know here:
What questions do you have for the AFI Conservatory Admissions office?
The AFI Conservatory Admissions office has graciously agreed to be interviewed for an article on FilmSchool.org similar to the one that we have with USC. What questions would you like to ask them? We're compiling a list of questions now and would love to add any questions you might have for...
Also everyone be sure to add or update your Applications in our database to help others and so we can gather the best data about all the different film programs.
Application Database
A database of thousands of film school applications to calculate acceptance rates to film programs and the minimum GPAs, minimum SAT and GRE scores, experience of accepted applicants, and much more....