I've added a general "Application Materials Description" to the tracker as I think it will be helpful to other people to see a general description of what people submitted. What writing prompts they chose or what portfolio option they did... Etc...
(This would only visible to site members and not public web)

If you have feedback on this feature or have any other ideas on how to improve the Application Tracker Database please let me know.
If you have already added your Application this cycle please edit it to provide this new info when you can.
Sample application with new field in use is here:
That's also a good application to see all the different data that you can add to the tracker.
Suggestions for improvements are ALWAYS welcome!
Thank you!
(This would only visible to site members and not public web)

If you have feedback on this feature or have any other ideas on how to improve the Application Tracker Database please let me know.
If you have already added your Application this cycle please edit it to provide this new info when you can.
Sample application with new field in use is here:
SAMPLE MFA Application 2019
This is a sample Application to showcase the various features of the Tracker

That's also a good application to see all the different data that you can add to the tracker.

Thank you!