Siddharth Menon
Hey Guys!
First off, I'm a complete newbie and this is kind of my first post here.
I've recently quit the corporate world and have decided to take the plunge into the big, bold (and supposedly bad ) world of films and showbiz. My undergrad is from India in Commerce and I was working in the UAE for the past 5 years. Thus, at the age of 29 I thought let me give this a shot before it is too late. I participated in a ONE-MINUTE short film competition while I was working and thus have SOME ( not enough) video content available to display. Additionally, I also got the opportunity to write and direct a social media ad for my earlier organization. I also have a film blog in which I elucidate about movies that I have seen and moved me and the inherent subtexts it tries to convey.
I am on the lookout for courses in Direction.
Being an international student cost is a concern for me ( as they are exorbitantly priced in many cases). Some of the factors that I am evaluating schools on are ( in no specific order) :
- Costs
- Alumni
- Emphasis on Practical more than Theory
- Possibilities of work/internships post graduation.
At present I am checking out the below schools; I havent started applications for any of the below yet:
1) Prague Film School (Post Graduate Diploma)
2) FSU - Film School (MFA Production)
3) Academy of Film, Televsion & Theatre (AFTT - Post Gradute Diploma)
4) Toronto Film School (Post Graduate Diploma)
5) Colorado Film School
London Film School is my dream institution but it has exorbitant charges. The above mentioned ones are not sacrosanct and are just ideal for me in view of the aforementioned factors.
However, I would be really delighted if you could provide me with answers to some pertinent questions stated below:
1) Are there any other film schools that I may need to consider in addition to the above (preferably for Direction - Film)?
2) Even though my interest lies in Direction, would MFA in Production be an apt choice (FSU doesn't have a Directing Program).
3) Is there a major difference in MA vs MFA or is it different from institution to institution?
4) What are the stayback options in US post completion of course? I know for a fact that commencing Sept 2020, all student in the UK will be provided 2 years of stay back option t look for work opportunities.
Ok, I think I've ranted wayyyy too much. But any help would be great guys!
- Sid.
First off, I'm a complete newbie and this is kind of my first post here.
I've recently quit the corporate world and have decided to take the plunge into the big, bold (and supposedly bad ) world of films and showbiz. My undergrad is from India in Commerce and I was working in the UAE for the past 5 years. Thus, at the age of 29 I thought let me give this a shot before it is too late. I participated in a ONE-MINUTE short film competition while I was working and thus have SOME ( not enough) video content available to display. Additionally, I also got the opportunity to write and direct a social media ad for my earlier organization. I also have a film blog in which I elucidate about movies that I have seen and moved me and the inherent subtexts it tries to convey.
I am on the lookout for courses in Direction.
Being an international student cost is a concern for me ( as they are exorbitantly priced in many cases). Some of the factors that I am evaluating schools on are ( in no specific order) :
- Costs
- Alumni
- Emphasis on Practical more than Theory
- Possibilities of work/internships post graduation.
At present I am checking out the below schools; I havent started applications for any of the below yet:
1) Prague Film School (Post Graduate Diploma)
2) FSU - Film School (MFA Production)
3) Academy of Film, Televsion & Theatre (AFTT - Post Gradute Diploma)
4) Toronto Film School (Post Graduate Diploma)
5) Colorado Film School
London Film School is my dream institution but it has exorbitant charges. The above mentioned ones are not sacrosanct and are just ideal for me in view of the aforementioned factors.
However, I would be really delighted if you could provide me with answers to some pertinent questions stated below:
1) Are there any other film schools that I may need to consider in addition to the above (preferably for Direction - Film)?
2) Even though my interest lies in Direction, would MFA in Production be an apt choice (FSU doesn't have a Directing Program).
3) Is there a major difference in MA vs MFA or is it different from institution to institution?
4) What are the stayback options in US post completion of course? I know for a fact that commencing Sept 2020, all student in the UK will be provided 2 years of stay back option t look for work opportunities.
Ok, I think I've ranted wayyyy too much. But any help would be great guys!
- Sid.