I've decided to start a thread that keeps track of all of the changes of FilmSchool.org. Here is the first new change on the site that is a big improvement. More to come.
- Now running Acceptance Data 2.4.2 (our custom acceptance data program). You can now see statistics for certain application years only on the Acceptance Data pages. (example here)
This is a precursor to combining the film school pages into a single page per school which will be a better user experience. Example of stats for only 2023 is below:
- Not enough Applications have been added to our Database to calculate Acceptance Data. Log your own application to help improve our statistics.
- Log Your Application
Become a Supporting Member to see the lowest reported GPA, SAT, GRE, and other test data.
Soon we'll be getting rid of the Graduate, Undergraduate and short term categories in our film school review section and only have categories for country and state which will be much better.
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