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Chris W

The night was sultry...
Staff member
I've decided to start a thread that keeps track of all of the changes of Here is the first new change on the site that is a big improvement. More to come.
  • Now running Acceptance Data 2.4.2 (our custom acceptance data program). You can now see statistics for certain application years only on the Acceptance Data pages. (example here)

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    This is a precursor to combining the film school pages into a single page per school which will be a better user experience. Example of stats for only 2023 is below:

    Soon we'll be getting rid of the Graduate, Undergraduate and short term categories in our film school review section and only have categories for country and state which will be much better.
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  • Now running Acceptance Data 2.4.4 (our custom acceptance data program). Fixed a bug where it would have a link to applications for a program when no applications to a program have been logged yet in our database.
  • Consolidated state and country categories for our film school review database and removed unnecessary Graduate, Undergraduate, and Short Term categories as this created duplicated listings and you can find this information using filters. Duplicate film school listings that were created from this previous organization will be merged on a future update.
  • Added map display when viewing a category such as United States, California, and United Kingdom

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  • Added a View Full Map button that'll display top film programs on a map:

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  • Reorganized our Application Database to remove unnecessary Undergrad and Graduate categories and moved previous years under a Past Years Applications category
  • Made the undergraduate program and undergraduate field of study fields optional (but amazingly useful for people to enter if applicable)
  • Reorganized and consolidated forums to remove unnecessary duplicative undergraduate and graduate forums.
Added the following data fields to the film school database
  • Undergraduate Deadlines
  • Graduate Deadlines
  • Camera Equipment
  • Software Used
  • Filmmaking Facilities
  • Undergraduate Application Requirements
  • Graduate Application Requirements
  • Letters of Rec Required
  • Helpful Links
  • Added for-profit/nonprofit field to the database
  • I've also started the slow process of merging the film school pages into one page for each school instead of multiple pages for cinematography or directing for example
I've merged all of the AFI film school pages into one page:

AFI Conservatory

AFI Conservatory

First established in 1967, the American Film Institute is world renowned for producing pioneers and trailblazers in the film industry. As a not-for-profit, private graduate film school, the AFI Conservatory teaches multimodal pedagogy in hands-on courses led by industry experts. Film students...

I will do this eventually to all the film school pages. This is to simplify the site and to have all the info for one school on one page. It also allows school wide application statistics like the following:

You can still see stats for individual programs using the pulldown menu:

Every link to the should be redirecting to the correct place but if you notice an error anywhere please let me know. :)
  • Merged the many many Chapman pages into one:

    Chapman University - Dodge College of Film and Media Arts

    Chapman University - Dodge College of Film and Media Arts

    Rising to number 4 on The Hollywood Reporter's annual rankings of the top 25 American film schools in 2022, Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University offers top-notch filmmaking courses in an intimate learning environment. Notable alumni include the Duffer brothers...

    Also now features most helpful reviews:

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    And admissions stats info now on main page as well with link to full stats:

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  • Now showing even more data for Supporting Members on our Acceptance Data pages. :) Sample size is now shown as well.
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  • Graph display in mobile view fixed. Also, long pressing on a part of the graph in mobile will show the label and percentage. Hovering over the graph in desktop view will do the same. :)
  • Fixed menu on film school pages on mobile so you can see the link to Admissions Statistics easier.
  • Acceptance statistics graph colors updated to be more pleasing to the eye and standard across admitted, waitlisted, not admitted values.

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Log your film school application with our Application Database so that we can improve our admissions statistics.

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Acceptance Data
For up to date Film School Acceptance Rates, including Minimum GPAs, Minimum Test Scores, After Interview and Off-Waitlist Acceptance Rates, Film Experience and Undergraduate degrees of accepted applicants, Age data, and other acceptance statistics for your film program of choice simply navigate to the Acceptance Rates tab on each film school's page in our Film School Database.

For example:
Log your own Application with our application database to help improve the site's acceptance data.

Latest Film School Reviews

  • ArtCenter College of Design
    2.00 star(s)
    Safety school, last resort
    Good faith tl;dr: ArtCenter should be your last resort safety school. Only go here if you are willing to blow the money and didn't get into any...
    • Anonymous
  • UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television (TFT)
    3.00 star(s)
    UCLA on Downturn
    When I applied to the Production MFA, I definitely hadn’t expected to get in. Much of the process and its student body hasn’t demystified and for...
    • Anonymous
  • California College of ASU (formerly Columbia College Hollywood)
    2.00 star(s)
    A few solid professors and peers, but an otherwise underwhelming experience
    I graduated in the early 2010's, so this review may not be entirely relevant to the state of the program/institution as it is now. With that said...
    • Anonymous
  • Carnegie Mellon University
    1.00 star(s)
    Program deliberately misrepresents itself
    After finishing my MFA at CMU, I, like many of my peers, was unable to do anything with my career. The program was a nightmare because it...
    • Anonymous
  • Stony Brook University (SUNY)
    5.00 star(s)
    Challenging and Fabulous!
    2 things stand out in my second year of film school. #1: In my directing class, the professor insists everyone does their own camera work (we...
    • Supernegro

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Latest questions

  • AFI Conservatory
    Does anyone know the number of people they usually interview vs accept for cinematography?
    • JaredFilms378
  • AFI Conservatory
    I applied for cinematography- I got my interview notification yesterday. Is there an advantage to being notified in the first wave?
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  • AFI Conservatory
    I do have a question-- I know the program is totally all-consuming and will take over your entire life, but- and this may seem an odd question-...
    • HatsOnHatsOnHats
  • Mount Saint Mary's University - Film, Media and Communication
    I can't find any independent reviews or insights about their MFA Film and TV programs online, does anyone on here have any idea about what the...
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  • Duke University - MFA in Experimental and Documentary Arts
    Hello! I am considering different MFAs to apply to and have come across Duke's Experimental Documentary Film Programme. Does anyone know how this...
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