NYU Tisch Dramatic Writing 2024 - Who's applying?

Congrats everyone! (And don't give up if you didn't get in)

Remember to update or log your application when you can.

It's extremely helpful to people. :)
I was lucky enough to be admitted. Lifelong dream. I applied with a play and also received a substantial scholarship. I'm wondering if all admitted are given scholarship? Sadly, I likely will be declining for this year due to family reasons. I will plan to apply again in the future. I wanted to mention to those who may have been rejected that I am an older applicant--40 years old actually! Though it's my first time appylying I have received literally hundreds of rejections on my writing over the last decade. It's only within the last few years that I felt confident enough about my work to even apply. I love what Ta-Nehisi Coates had to say about this his process to become a writer and wanted to share:
I've grateful for this thread. Hope I get to meet all you lovely writers some day!
Thank you so much for that. My person is 22. I keep telling her to have been interviewed and waitlisted is a victory. She of course is disappointed. 3 interviews and 2 waitlists so hopefully still a slim chance or perhaps more life experience and she will try again next year. Congratulations to your acceptance. I hope weather it’s this year or next you get to pursue your dream.
Thank you so much for that. My person is 22. I keep telling her to have been interviewed and waitlisted is a victory. She of course is disappointed. 3 interviews and 2 waitlists so hopefully still a slim chance or perhaps more life experience and she will try again next year. Congratulations to your acceptance. I hope weather it’s this year or next you get to pursue your dream.
Being interviewed and waitlisted at 22 is so amazing! I know it's hard to feel that way at the time but it truly is! So many years ahead to get even better. My interviewer also said that many people get in the second time around, especially if they got close the first time. Writing is a marathon not a sprint. Personally , I'm glad I didn't go right out of college. I really don't think I had a thick enough skin or had developed my voice enough yet. I'm sure others could be more naturally talented and ready at a younger age, but I needed time. Fingers crossed for the best outcome! Hope your person keeps at it either way.
Hey I was just wondering if there were any acceptances here that focused on TV writing? Wanted to know your thoughts on the interview process!
Me! i interviewed with Robin Epstein and she was so great. The interview request came directly from her via email, so i did some research ahead of time.

She was very engaged, encouraging, only said complimentary things about my pilot— when i read on here others had their work criticized by their interviewers, it made my skin crawl.

She asked about my inspiration for the story behind my pilot, difficulties i’d faced in the writing process, why i wanted an MFA now, recent shows i’d liked and disliked, etc. Left a good amount of time for questions, and stayed on a few minutes late to give full answers.

My interview experience for a TV-focus was overwhelmingly positive with Robin— I hope her other interviewees felt the same!
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Me! i interviewed with Robin Epstein and she was so great. The interview request came directly from her via email, so i did some research ahead of time.

She was very engaged, encouraging, only said complimentary things about my pilot— when i read on here others had their work criticized by their interviewers, it made me skin crawl!

She asked about my inspiration for the story behind my pilot, difficulties i’d faced in the writing process, why i wanted an MFA now, recent shows i’d liked and disliked, etc. Left a good amount of time for questions, and stayed on a few minutes late to give full answers.

My interview experience for a TV-focus was overwhelmingly positive with Robin— I hope her other interviewees felt the same!
Thank you so much! Do you mind sharing if you got accepted or not?
Hey everyone, especially those on the waitlist. I was speaking to someone from the department, and I let them know I will not be making my decision until I see what Federal Aid is available. If you didn’t know, the FAFSA is super delayed, and if the info doesn’t come out in time, the April 15th decision deadline may be extended. Just thought this could bring some peace of mind for some people who are waitlisted and waiting to hear an update!

That being said, I believe I am going to accept my spot in the Playwriting track. The faculty of that department have me convinced haha. Best of luck to all!
I also got in! Waiting to hear from one more school before I make a decision, but I'll be on the admitted students zoom on April 3. I got in for the screenwriting track. Looking forward to meeting you all and congrats guys!
Hi! I'm a current student. Congrats to all those admitted! And a waitlist is an achievement. That means they read something in your work that makes your stand out. People get off the waitlist...especially after April 15 when most decision deadlines are. Private message me any questions. I just want to say I love the program, but it is demanding. I'll try to be on here more...especially close to decision time. Private message me or ask me any questions about the program. I have no insight into the admission process or how they do it...so please don't ask me. I only know that a bunch of readers read your scripts and get a pass before they even go to your interviewer. Other faculty members read your work as well. That's all I know!
If anyone wants to start a private group thread for accepted applicants in the new private group forum here's the instructions on how to do it:

Introducing Private Group Threads -  create private threads to meet your fellow classmates (similar to GroupMe)

Introducing Private Group Threads - create private threads to meet your fellow classmates (similar to GroupMe)

Thanks to our wonderful Supporting Members we've been able to launch the new Private Group Threads feature. This allows you to create private threads that: Only FilmSchool.org members you authorize can see. (not even FilmSchool.org staff - unless content is reported as spam or inappropriate)...

It's no longer a feature just for Supporting Members.

Create a private group thread called "NYU Dramatic Writing Accepted Applicants 2024" or similar. Only people you invite or grant access to can see it. :)
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