Who's applying to NYU Tisch Graduate film this year?
2. Creative Portfolio: Upload these materials by the deadline:
4. CV/Resume and Statement of Purpose – The Statement of Purpose must be 3 pages or fewer and explain who you are, why you want to attend the Kanbar Graduate division, and how the program can help you in your career trajectory. Explain your academic and professional goals, and describe how your successes and failures shaped your worldview. Finally, explain the types of stories you want to tell. Format double-spaced, 12-point font, and save it as a PDF.
Full instructions here:
Read up on how last year's applicants did by reading last year's application thread:
Also, our application database has over 320 applications to the program. Remember to log your application once you apply so that we can improve all our statistics to the program such as notification dates and accepted GPAs.
Click the above link for even more admission stats to the program.
Good luck!
Deadline is December 1st!
Our guide to applying to NYU is here:
NYU Tisch: How to Apply for 2025, Acceptance Rate, and What To Expect as an NYU Film Student
New York University Tisch School of the Arts offers a dynamic learning experience in one of the world's most vibrant cities for filmmakers. Award-winning faculty, from Spike Lee (Director, "Do the Right Thing," "Malcom X," "BlacKkKlansman") to Mary Lambert (Director, "Pet Semetary"), teach...
- Alexa P.
- Category: Applying to Film School
How to apply
1. Set up a free GradFilm SlideRoom account: Upload all portfolio materials to SlideRoom by the deadline. Applicants can return an unlimited number of times (but remember to save your progress).2. Creative Portfolio: Upload these materials by the deadline:
- Visual Submission: Provide the best samples of your creative work. Co-created materials that feature you as the principal creator are permitted. Choose from either the video or photography category:
- Video – Must be either narrative fiction or documentary and have a total run time of no longer than 15 minutes; upload videos longer than 10 minutes to YouTube or Vimeo with an accessible link. Foreign films must be subtitled in English.
- Photography – Submit 10 photographs (stills) in black and white or color, with or without commentary. All subjects are welcome, but photos must be a minimum of 72 dpi.
- 3 Written Submissions:Respond to ALL of the following prompts:
- Dramatic Story – 1 short narrative writing exercise, up to two pages in length. Format double-spaced, 12-point font, prose style, and save a PDF. Build dramatic tension by ending with one of these lines:
- Dialogue Scene – Write an interesting conversation between two people that reveals something about the characters. Give a one-sentence description of each character, but include only essential details. Format as a screenplay, 12-point font, and save as a PDF. No cover page is necessary.
- Concept – In only one page, write about the concept for a feature-length script, narrative film, or documentary that you would like to develop. Format double-spaced, 12-point font, and save it as a PDF.
4. CV/Resume and Statement of Purpose – The Statement of Purpose must be 3 pages or fewer and explain who you are, why you want to attend the Kanbar Graduate division, and how the program can help you in your career trajectory. Explain your academic and professional goals, and describe how your successes and failures shaped your worldview. Finally, explain the types of stories you want to tell. Format double-spaced, 12-point font, and save it as a PDF.
Full instructions here:

Portfolio Requirements for MFA in Film Production
NYU Tisch Graduate Film Degree, Portfolio Requirements for MFA in Filmmaking. There are two required components that you must submit in order to successfully complete your application for admission
Read up on how last year's applicants did by reading last year's application thread:
NYU Tisch Grad Film - 2023
Hi! I believe it hasn’t been created yet, so here it goes. The 2023 thread for the NYU Tisch MFA in Film Production. Good luck everyone!!

Also, our application database has over 320 applications to the program. Remember to log your application once you apply so that we can improve all our statistics to the program such as notification dates and accepted GPAs.
Click the above link for even more admission stats to the program.
Admission statistics for NYU Tisch Kanbar Institute of Film & Television ()
Acceptance rate, minimum GPA, SAT, GRE, and demographics of admitted applicants for NYU Tisch Kanbar Institute of Film & Television calculated from our database of thousands of film school applications.

Good luck!
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