Recent content by matchellison

  1. M

    UCLA Screenwriting MFA 2023 -- Hello!

    Hello! I would love to start getting to know some of my fellow UCLA Screenwriting classmates or honestly just UCLA TFT MFA classmates in general. Does anyone know if there is a WhatsApp or GroupMe group already made?
  2. M

    UCLA vs AFI Screenwriting?

    Does anyone have thoughts as to comparing these two programs? The only difference I can easily gleam is that UCLA is more focused on pure writing while AFI is more hands on. While that is helpful, I would also like to know about - program prestige, usefulness in finding a job, class size, or...
  3. M

    Columbia Screenwriting/Directing MFA 2023

    Any indication how long these calls will be going out until they’ve contacted everyone? I really don’t understand why they don’t just do emails, knowing sooner rather than later makes my life so much easier

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