Hey guys, I've been lurking this forum for a few months but I thought I'd finally join to let you all know that I received my acceptance letter from Chapman in the mail earlier today. I applied for Film and Television Production (cinematography emphasis). I still have yet to receive any email from them, so keep checking your (real) mailboxes everyone!
Hey guys, I just wonder the difference between "decision mailed" and "decision reached". Is there anyone who can tell me...?...so nervous...
Hey guys, I just wonder the difference between "decision mailed" and "decision reached". Is there anyone who can tell me...?...so nervous...

I think the difference is that "decision reached" means they know what your place is, and "decision mailed" means you should expect the their decision in the mail soon. I think it's more for their records than to make you worry about it. Good Luck!
Got my letter. Waitlisted, pending spots becoming available after the April 15th deadline. It seems most of the offers for the directing program were made a few weeks ago. I'm going to press ahead with USC and re-visit the decision if I come off the Chapman waitlist. Good luck, everybody!
not me. but i asked admissions and hopefully by the end of the month we will hear. crossing my fingers that sometime in the next week we will hear.
I applied for TV & Film Producing and just received a letter of acceptance today. I am an international student. Actually I have decided to go to another school already, but just wanted to let you know that they started sending out the offers finally.
Best of luck to everyone!!
I actually also got my acceptance to the MFA in Producing for TV & Film yesterday... Which is great news for anyone who gets waitlisted for the program. I will no be taking the offer, so it will be available for someone in the near future.

I wish you all the best of luck!!!!
That's great that you got in and congrats on whatever schools you are going to (I hope to hear about producing soon even though I am 85 percent sure I am going to CMU, but if I get into Chapman I will cross that bridge when it comes to it) But it's also great that you're not because then some of us might get in. Good luck to you two. :)
Hang in there everyone!!! I'm 1st year Directing student at Chapman and decisions came out pretty late last year for all emphases except for directing (that I know of).

As far as making plans for moving, the only thing you could probably do at this point is book your plane ticket (if you're flying).. Otherwise, you won't be able to start looking for an apartment until about a month before you actually move anyway so don't worry about that so much right now. If anything, now is the time to work whatever part time job or whatever you have as much as you can and make $$$ to save because if there's one thing I learned quickly at Chapman is that working and going to school here sounds good in theory, most of us work less than 10 hours a week (which is maybe enough money for food) if that... especially if you really want to take advantage of working on as many sets and participating in as many industry dinners etc etc as you can (which is what you're paying for right?).

As for making plans for which school you are going to go to, I made sure to contact the schools I got accepted to to let them know that I was waiting on acceptance from another school before I made my decision. They were all pretty cool with it, so try that. Not a guarantee that they'll hold the spot for you BUT you never know... they did for me.

As for fellowships, ask for them!! If you got a fellowship from another school, use it as leverage!! That's the best advice I ever got from my Undergrad professor. The worst they can do is say "No." They can't take your admission away from you for asking for financial help.

As for the Facebook group, the admitted students group usually doesn't go live until mid-summer.

If there's an admitted students forum, I'll hop on there and answer any other questions you guys might have.
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