Yeah, the schools aren't very forthcoming with acceptance rates because there's nothing really to gain on their part. If they're really low, they don't want to discourage potentially talented people from applying, and if they're high, that doesn't make them look as selective, exclusive, etc.

USC does have this page on their website. For grad school, it's showing that "Non-Resident Aliens" make up 23% of the graduate program. I'm not sure what those qualifications are, but I know that both UCLA and USC pride themselves on bringing in a significant contingent of international students. I see international students get admitted a lot on this website, and I suspect that there's not nearly as much of a disadvantage as you might be thinking. (Hell, we're all going crazy right now, though, so I don't blame you.) I imagine the international student acceptance rate falls somewhere near the proportional acceptance rate for domestic applicants.

I have seen USC interview international screenwriting applicants to judge their command of English before making a decision. From your post, I'm assuming they probably won't bother with that for you. I believe they also want documentation that you can afford the program as well before making a decision. Other than that, I think they admit you before making you jump through the rest of the hoops.
Thank you!
I suppose 23% is a significant number to an university sought out by US residents such as USC. That really cheers me up! You've just put my mind at ease -- as much at ease as possible, considering the increasing anxiety of waiting for the replies! D:
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Well, ladies and gents... It's started.

Got my interview invite from UCLA!

I'm on the East Coast and we usually hear back first, so nobody freak out just yet. I received the email at 8:32PM EST. Here's what it said:

We are pleased to inform you that the UCLA MFA Screenwriting admissions committee has selected you for a personal interview.

Please indicate which location and time would be most convenient for you.

1. On the UCLA campus during the first or second week of March.

2. Midtown Manhattan Feb 27 or 28. (If this is your option please note which of the two dates is best for you, or whether either will work.)

3 SKYPE during the first week of March. (Please include your SKYPE address/number if this is your choice)

Good luck to everybody, again. Sincerely hope your email is on the way.
Well, ladies and gents... It's started.

Got my interview invite from UCLA!

I'm on the East Coast and we usually hear back first, so nobody freak out just yet. I received the email at 8:32PM EST. Here's what it said:

Good luck to everybody, again. Sincerely hope your email is on the way.
Got the email, too. Good luck!!
Congrats, Stella! Do you know anything about what they might be asking us? I've looked back a few years on here, and nobody's been all that specific. I'm getting the impression this is a "make sure this person isn't crazy and is applying to the program with a clear focus" type of interview.

Will you be skyping or in-person?
Congrats, Stella! Do you know anything about what they might be asking us? I've looked back a few years on here, and nobody's been all that specific. I'm getting the impression this is a "make sure this person isn't crazy and is applying to the program with a clear focus" type of interview.

Will you be skyping or in-person?
Thanks! I won't be able to travel so I'll go with skype. I honestly have no idea what they might ask us, but it won't hurt to be prepared to talk about what kind of story you want to tell if you get admitted. Also, I heard that some schools ask what your favorite film is, who your favorite director is, what films you have watched lately, etc. Hope it helps!
Anyone heard from USC yet? Someone mentioned theyd be sending out stuff mid feb and well its almost march so am just trying to find out as much info as I can into whether ive been accepted or not...
Hey all! First time commenting on the forum and happy to be here. I applied to Northwestern's MFA program, had an interview a week and a half ago that went... eh :/
Wondering if anyone out there has also applied to Northwestern. I know through this site (thanks!) that they're pretty wonky with their admission so looking for fellow lost souls.

And congrats to everyone else who've been admitted or even interviewed! Chin up to those still waiting to hear back!
Hey all! First time commenting on the forum and happy to be here. I applied to Northwestern's MFA program, had an interview a week and a half ago that went... eh :/
Wondering if anyone out there has also applied to Northwestern. I know through this site (thanks!) that they're pretty wonky with their admission so looking for fellow lost souls.

And congrats to everyone else who've been admitted or even interviewed! Chin up to those still waiting to hear back!

Snackspace: I also applied to Northwestern's MFA program, but I haven't heard anything in response yet :(
Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone from last year who was admitted to Northwestern might be available next week(the 19th-26thish) to show me around campus? I wasn't able to visit earlier in the year and now unfortunately during admissions, Shannon says they can't accommodate applicant visits though the program office. I've got somewhere to stay and would be coming from Detroit. Feel free to PM me or reply on this thread - if any of you see this! :)
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