
  1. methheadfreestyl

    UCI or Berkeley?

    Hey I just got into Irvine for Film and Media Studies and Berkley for Film and Media. I love video editing and really want to find a career like that so I guess I lean more towards the production side of film. Any advice for which school I should go to? I also got into CSULB, CSUF, and UCR...
  2. L

    Which school is better to go into as a Film/Media Major? (UCSD,UCI,UCSC,CSULB,CSUN)

    I got accepted into UCSD (Visual art- Media), UCSC (Film and Media Practice), UCI (Film Studies), CSULB (Film Production), and CSUN (Cinema and TV- Multimedia Production). I am deciding on whether I should follow a path in Film production or in New Media and am hoping that these universities...
  3. Jun

    UCI? UCSD? or maybe UCSB?

    Hello guys. Before dropping my question, I would like to let you know about my situation. I am a professional novelist, and aiming to expand my job area to screenwriting. What I have heard is that UCI is more about the script than the other schools. I do not deny that I would like to be a...

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