Input needed What questions do you have for the FSU Film School Admissions department?

Chris W

The night was sultry...
Staff member
The FSU Admissions Department has agreed to be interviewed by @Alexa P. the end of August for an article similar to our AFI and USC articles:

How to Get Into AFI Conservatory: Exclusive Advice From the Admissions Office (Part 1)

How to Get Into AFI Conservatory: Exclusive Advice From the Admissions Office (Part 1)

Ask anyone about where to go to film school, and you’re bound to hear the American Film Institute Conservatory. First established in 1967, AFI is world renowned for producing pioneers and trailblazers in the film industry. In 2020, the Hollywood Reporter ranked AFI as the top film school in...

How to get Into USC SCA: Advice from an Admissions Committee Member

How to get Into USC SCA: Advice from an Admissions Committee Member

Considered by many to be the best film school in the world, it’s no wonder why the USC School of Cinematic Arts (SCA) is so sought after by prospective undergraduate and graduate students alike. However, the film school’s prestige can often make the application process particularly stressful and...

What questions would you like us to ask them? Here are some we are already thinking of:

1. What career services do you offer?
2. Can you name a few internships that you helped arrange for current students or recent graduates?
3. What does your alumni network look like? / How do you connect students with alumni?
4. Can you give an example of a portfolio piece that wowed you during the admissions process?
5. What is the biggest misconception that aspiring filmmakers have about the CMPA?
6. Who was your favorite guest speaker that visited the CMPA?
7. How has COVID-19 changed the admissions process?

Please let us know! This will cover both undergrad and graduate admissions.

Also a huge thank you to our Supporting Members! It's our Supporting Members who make articles like this possible. :) Consider upgrading your account today. (there are a ton of benefits as well)
Hey everyone! I plan to submit all interview questions to the CMPA Admissions Department by this Wednesday, August 18 at 5 PM [EST]. You have about 3 days left to re: here ASAP about anything you want to know...take a look at our older Admissions interviews for ideas, too.

Thank you!
Bumping this thread up so everyone sees it. If you have questions for FSU please post them in this thread. :)
Sorry about being so last minute guys, that's my bad.

First off, the admission interviews with USC and AFI were straight up better than anywhere else on the internet. So anything close to those articles (especially the USC one with regards to application questions) with the same base questions will be extremely helpful no matter what!

But if i had to ask extra questions based off what I am most curious/worried about:

  • First up, just out of curiosity, did they receive more applicants during the pandemic or did their numbers decline when compared to the usual?
  • I didn't have any opportunity for professional film experience growing up, and I'm wondering how heavy does FSU weigh actual "experience" (PA jobs, internships, etc). If someone shows real promise as a raw story-teller, but has no professional experience, which is weighed more? I am confident in my storytelling ability/writing/shorts, but I am NOT confident in my resume with regards to applying to the top film schools, strictly because of having no "real" experience.
  • Y'all are probably going to ask this, but just in case, is there a certain aspect of the application that they look at as "make-or-break or the most important". (Statement of Purpose/Writing Sample/15min Portfolio/Video Pitch/etc.)
  • I see their job placement is incredibly high after graduation, which is obviously a huge plus. But where do most of their students go for work afterwards, location wise? Would going to Florida State be helpful for job placement if I want to work in a growing southern film industry like Atlanta or maybe even New Orleans?
FSU is the only "elite" graduate film school in the entire Southeastern US and I feel obligated to try to attend at all costs for a multitude of reasons. Being from the Deep South means you essentially grow up with it pounded into your mind from a young age that you can't and won't ever have your own voice in the world, and I will do everything possible to become a voice for those exact people. After living in LA for a few years now, I realize how deeply ingrained a love for the South is in me, even if all I thought I wanted was to get out at certain points. (I'm from south Mississippi, so pretty much the lowest of the low on the totem pole)

I kind of rambled trying to give the interviewer a sense of why I was asking these questions, so please feel free to change the questions (in bold) around to what makes more sense to you and to where they don't just feel like one random person's questions. Sorry for all of the unnecessary info and I hope I wasn't too late.

Again, thank you for doing this!
Sorry about being so last minute guys, that's my bad.

First off, the admission interviews with USC and AFI were straight up better than anywhere else on the internet. So anything close to those articles (especially the USC one with regards to application questions) with the same base questions will be extremely helpful no matter what!

But if i had to ask extra questions based off what I am most curious/worried about:

  • First up, just out of curiosity, did they receive more applicants during the pandemic or did their numbers decline when compared to the usual?
  • I didn't have any opportunity for professional film experience growing up, and I'm wondering how heavy does FSU weigh actual "experience" (PA jobs, internships, etc). If someone shows real promise as a raw story-teller, but has no professional experience, which is weighed more? I am confident in my storytelling ability/writing/shorts, but I am NOT confident in my resume with regards to applying to the top film schools, strictly because of having no "real" experience.
  • Y'all are probably going to ask this, but just in case, is there a certain aspect of the application that they look at as "make-or-break or the most important". (Statement of Purpose/Writing Sample/15min Portfolio/Video Pitch/etc.)
  • I see their job placement is incredibly high after graduation, which is obviously a huge plus. But where do most of their students go for work afterwards, location wise? Would going to Florida State be helpful for job placement if I want to work in a growing southern film industry like Atlanta or maybe even New Orleans?
FSU is the only "elite" graduate film school in the entire Southeastern US and I feel obligated to try to attend at all costs for a multitude of reasons. Being from the Deep South means you essentially grow up with it pounded into your mind from a young age that you can't and won't ever have your own voice in the world, and I will do everything possible to become a voice for those exact people. After living in LA for a few years now, I realize how deeply ingrained a love for the South is in me, even if all I thought I wanted was to get out at certain points. (I'm from south Mississippi, so pretty much the lowest of the low on the totem pole)

I kind of rambled trying to give the interviewer a sense of why I was asking these questions, so please feel free to change the questions (in bold) around to what makes more sense to you and to where they don't just feel like one random person's questions. Sorry for all of the unnecessary info and I hope I wasn't too late.

Again, thank you for doing this!

No worries - and thank you for the wonderful compliment!

Your questions are excellent. I'll make sure to include them. :)

The FSU interview is being moved to next Tuesday, August 31. If you have any remaining questions, please post them here no later than the DAY PRIOR [August 30] at 11:59 p.m. PST.

This article is now up! :) Thanks for everyone's input!

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