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  1. filmmakers mom

    SCAD vs RISD vs Pratt...Where should I go?

    My son is applying to Pratt amongst others. My impression of the tour with their brand brew film center, was a good one. A lot has changed in 6 years. I would love to hear from any recent graduates on this forum.
  2. filmmakers mom

    The NYU Thread: 2015

    how is school so far? curious, what were your SATs like? son has a strong portfolio but lower average SATs
  3. filmmakers mom

    hi from parent of budding filmmaker

    hello My son loves filmmaking. He is a senior in high school and we are starting the application process applying to 8 colleges, some of which are art schools, some universities, and some trade schools. We have toured 7 of them last spring. There are a few additional schools we may apply to...

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