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  1. L

    [Fall 2021] Help with choosing film schools... USC vs Columbia

    I thought it might be useful to start a thread for people trying to decide where to go now... Personally, I'm having a hard time deciding between Columbia vs. USC. I'm definitely someone that values storytelling and writing more than access to great equipment (I know that, according to online...
  2. L

    Chapman Self-introductory Video — can I be experimental?

    I googled online and saw that many videos are so nicely shot and produced just like a live-action short film. So I'm wondering if it is going to negatively impact my application if I did something more experimental — like a collage film with both past footage and animation collage, which is more...
  3. L

    NYU Tisch dialogue — scene description or nah?

    Hi everyone! I'm just wondering if we can include some scene descriptions in the middle for the dialogue prompt of NYU. Or do they only allow a line of description on the top and the rest should be all dialogue? My friend and I are having a debate over it. Thank you so much for helping...

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