ut austin

  1. B

    Applied UT Austin - Screenwriting MFA - 2025

    First time applying. Application was straightforward, I only submitted one writing sample (a feature script) but considered submitting a comedy pilot in addition.
  2. E

    Applied UT Austin Screenwriting- MFA, 2025

    The application process has gone smoothly, though I will say there are a few things about the application site itself that are a little confusing. There's no official submission button, which feels a little nerve-wracking- and it also takes a good while for letters of recommendation to appear on...
  3. czu

    UT Austin Screenwriting 2025

    Hey, folks! Who's back for another year of applying? Last year we had such a great thread - hoping to see some faces old & new!
  4. L

    Attending (Off Waitlist After Interview) UT Austin - MFA Screenwriting

    This was a pretty straightforward application and it was definitely a quicker process than many others schools. I'm currently waitlisted at UT, which isn't surprising considering they only take 7 new students per cohort. I'm holding my breath until the end! We're supposed to hear back by April 18.
  5. PikaChooChoo

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Austin - Rejected

    I had to send my portfolio, my resume, write a letter of intent, and submit my school info to UT Austin. This whole process took a week or two and it was a part of a two step process. You also have to send in letters of recommendation as well. I believe you have to send in either two or three...
  6. klexos24

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Austin MFA in Writing (Michener) - 2024

    When I submitted it, I felt like my statement was either great or a dumpster fire... so there is that. Other than that, though, I submitted the same sample as for the Screenwriting MFA, so not too many new variables here. I do, however, have a special interest in theatre (the main character of...
  7. klexos24

    Waitlisted (After Interview) UT Austin MFA in Screenwriting - 2024

    Just fine! Submitting Michener on the same day was a bit stressful, but I got it done — LOL. + I was pleasantly surprised to receive the interview request, but we will see what happens. 😁👍
  8. B

    UT Austin - Media Studies M.A. 2024

    Greetings! I wanted to create a forum for those applying to the MA media (film) studies program at UT Austin. Like those applying for the MFA programs, our decision s should arrive around February 15th, which is very soon. Keep us updated on your application status. And good luck!
  9. smatney33

    Denied (After Interview) UT Austin - 2024 MFA Film & Media Production

    I thought the application was fairly easy compared to other schools since they don’t require many materials. However that did make me worried about how well my ability and style came across.
  10. B

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Austin Screenwriting MFA - Fall 2024

    This was my first time applying. I feel like the application was straightforward and easy. I submitted one feature film script as my writing sample. I was encouraged to apply by one of my undergraduate professors. I am hoping to get an interview but we will have to wait and see.
  11. M

    UT Austin 2024 MFA all programs

    Starting a thread for other applicants!
  12. S

    Admitted (w/o Interview) UT Austin Fall 2024 Undergrad

    Applying to film school is exhausting and a lot to manage with school, activities, classes, college applications, portals, and creative supplements. However, as you go through the process you learn more about yourself and feel like each application gets better. Yes, I wish I would have started...
  13. G

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Austin - Screenwriting MFA

    Process was easy going, you apply on ApplyTexas first then you wait a few days and you submit your materials on the UT Austin portal. I submitted a 90 page feature length comedy for my portfolio. I opted out of submitting a secondary piece of writing. I did not get accepted, but ultimately was...
  14. I

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Austin MFA Film & Media Production - Fall 2023

    Materials are much less than in other programs. I really like the program and courses. It was my first choice but too difficult to enter. (You can find me on Instagram. Feel free to ask.)
  15. jorgeicotte

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Film Production MFA 2023

    First time applying. Pretty standard application. Didn't hear back from them for a while. I don't think they interview. Asked when decisions would be made and didn't get a reply until the rejection lol (admittedly only a couple of days later).
  16. H

    UT Austin - Film & Media Production MFA Applicants 2023

    Hey y'all, I know we're getting pretty close to the (theoretical) notification date, and I wanted to see who else is waiting in anticipation. Also, when did your portfolio materials get viewed? Mine weren't reviewed until January 16th, and some of my materials were not as watched as others...
  17. H

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Austin Film & Media Production

    I would recommend starting the process AT LEAST a month in advance. There is a whole thing to go through with applying for the Texas universities section, and then a few days after that you can start the actual MFA application.
  18. GimmeCroissants

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT-Austin - Michener - Screenwriting MFA - Fall 2023

    First time applying. Compared to other schools, this application is incredibly basic. It's a relief, but you better make the best use of that statement of purpose, because that's all you get to introduce yourself besides your feature. Eeee!
  19. GimmeCroissants

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT-Austin - Screenwriting MFA - Fall 2023

    First time applying. Compared to other schools, this application is incredibly basic. It's a relief, but you better make the best use of that statement of purpose, because that's all you get to introduce yourself besides your feature. Eeee!
  20. degalder

    Denied (w/o Interview) UT Austin Film & Media Production - Fall 2023

    A bit of a hassle with all the change in webpages it requires but all in all quite simple and "efortless" compared to other schools' programs. It would be a great program to attend, at a great cost. Though it is not always in my top 3 (depends on the day haha), it for sure is in my top 4.

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