Do you still apply to grad school even...


even if you don't meet the minimum requirements that were posted on their website? Such as having a lower GPA, couldn't get all the recommendation letters, etc...

Because it seems really hard to get into film school (I heard that only like 10% of the students get accepted) but the requirements that they post on their website don't seem that high.
For the more competitive schools, the acceptance rate is less than 5%. It's a long shot with a 4.0/1600, but the minimums (in my mind) are just what gets them to actually look at your creative portfolio; otherwise they don't even bother.

I wouldn't even expend the significant effort and minor fees applying to a program if I didn't meet the initial considerations-I would choose a more lenient school, and I can't imagine what I would do if I couldn't find three people to recommend me...not completing that requirement is the same as not sending in any part of your application packet, no?

If you don't believe the requirements are that high, then why ask this question? Personally, I don't think a 3.0 GPA and 1000 GRE are that high of a minimums either, but I also know I'm an overachiever.

A friend of mine just got into her first choice Occupational Therapy graduate school on Thursday, and she only got a 1000 on the GRE, though she graduated magna cum laude...1000 was their minimum, and she was TERRIFIED.
I don't think the requirements are that high...but how is that relevant whether I am asking the question or not.

I'm just curious how many people that apply actually have the minimum requirements. I know that some people apply anyways, even if they don't meet the requirements, just to gamble at the chance of getting admitted. And to most people, I think the fees for the application is not high enough to deterring anyone from just applying even if they don't have a shot.
Application fees are high if you don't have money I mean my scores were great and beyond the independent vs. main stream deal. The money of applications deterred me from applying to more than my first 2 choices. Even then I almost only applied to UCLA cause the cost of aplications was a lot for me.

I noticed for a lot of the schools that even if you dont meet the minimum requirement they leave you a loop hole. SUch as if your GPA is not high enough we'll consider you if you score THIS on your GRE's.
I would lean to "no" on that one.

I graduated from a lower-tier, open enrollment public university in Ohio, and our film program barely exists. I applied because I believe in myself, and I surpass the stats, but when I was chosen for interviews at UCLA and AFI, everyone I spoke to said, "Wow, can't believe you even applied there, I wouldn't have even bothered."

I don't think film schools get the delusional types in droves, like say, "American Idol." (apologies for a bad analogy!!)

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