2007 Accepted? Rejected?


Well-Known Member
I just got back from NYC for my UCLA interview, and since I wasn't here to feverishly check this site for updates the last few days, I had to spend some time catching up.

I created this thread for two reasons.

First, as mid-April looms closer and closer, we're going to start seeing the end result of all of our efforts. As we've built a little network of suffering and hope, I'd love it if folks posted their acceptances up here...no need to post the rejections unless you want to. It will help us know when to start sleeping under our mailboxes, with laptops on a current refresh on our inboxes, and our cellphones poised to answer any call from a certain area code.

Also, it will make it easier for us to congratulate each other.

I know Kristy (Winterreverie) got into Chapman this weekend, so I'd like to start the thread off by sending out a big Woot Woot party squeal to her!!

She mentioned in one of the threads that since getting accepted at Chapman, UCLA no longer wields as much power over her. This, and the fact that I didn't go through a multiple school process when applying to undergrad, brings me to the second purpose of this thread.

Does acceptance at more than one university, especially where rivalries exist, make us more powerful in this process?

An example:

Joe gets into A-University and B-University. BU offers him a full ride, AU offers him a half-ride.

AU is his first choice.

Does Joe have any negotiating power? As in, "Hey, AU! I really want to go to your school, but the thing is, BU also accepted me. Their financial package is far more generous. Can you help me out a bit, throw me some more money, or would you rather I just go to BU?"
OMG-- If that only worked. "Yeah UCLA, you're my first choice, but Chapman offered me a basicallly full ride so..." lol That would be fantastic. I think in the very least, being accepted somewhere clears your mind of the "What if I am just not good enough" thoughts that swallow us up.

UCLA is still my first choice, but I'm so much less crazy about analyzing what the admissions committee said. When they said I had "a really good outlook on life", does that mean they like me? Or that I'm a little too naive for them? Or...

Honestly, I totally agonized over my interview. Before hand and afterwards. Thankfully not during. Everything that the committee said to me was super positive and they didn't even have to skim my essay or treatment to come up with questions. I imagined that too was positive, but doubt is a powerful force.

I think admissions to other schools we've applied to gives us back our sense of hope and reminds us that no matter what our dream school says, we're still pretty damned talented to get this far.

However, if anyone has used admissions to multiple schools for financial leverage PLEASE let us all know. If it can be done I'd like to know how. :cool:
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I like this thread Jayimess.

Well I still have to interview with AFI to become active on this specific thread, but until then, can we vent about our interviews and the anticipation process?

Columbia's interview was so short that I really have no idea what to think.

About financials: When they asked me if I had any questions I asked them about fellowships and they said they didnt have much and asked me right away "why, is that dependent on whether you attend or not?" And I quickly responded "Oh no, not at all. It would just me nice to have that if it were offered." Then somehow we got on the topic of funding our movies and so I asked "wont we be taught in some of our classes, how to mobilize funds for our thesis, like maybe in the production courses?" And they responded "uhh no, we don't really teach that. Production here actually focuses more on getting the film together". So I dont know if I screwed up by asking that. But anyways from all this I learned, the burden of tuition is on one side, and the hassle of funding our projects is just another world!

And Jayimess, I contacted AFI just now, and left a message, so hopefully they will return my call soon.

So what schools is everyone waiting on?
I applied to three schools, all for Screenwriting.

USC, UCLA (interviewed on 03/24), and AFI (interviewed on 03/14).

I find it interesting that none of the interviewers brought up finances during the time we had together. It's interesting to me because I am an orphan, and my narrative statement makes it clear that I have no money!! ;)

Tima, it sounds silly even to write it, but "ProducING" is where you'd learn about financing, and "ProducTION" is where you make the film. Ooops, but so forgivable!!

Let me know when you hear back from AFI, good luck, good luck, good luck!!
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How funny you are jayimess.

I actually did the same thing as you, Screamed "No Money here" across all my applications and personal statements. I'm surpirsed that issue didn't come up for me either. The closest I heard was UCLA saying well, you have a lot of responsibilities and we don't recommend our students working that first year.

Hmm... I really don't know what to think.
I don't know what to think either. I don't think there's anything I would have done differently. So now, all I can do is cross my fingers and pray that they liked me.

For those of you who interviewed at UCLA, was the chair of the Dept of Film, TV and Digital Media present?
Tima, not a word was spoken to me about money. Never. I really expected it at AFI, since it lists in the criteria for acceptance "a sound financial plan."

Rock, at my interview with UCLA, the chair of the Screenwriting department was there, Hal Ackerman, along with Mr. "Escape from Film School" himself, Richard Walter, but nobody else.

I'm still waiting for someone to say, "Yeah, You do have bargaining power once you know more than one school wants you....."
I was rejected from UT-Austin's Media Studies Program today via email.

The funny thing is, I never even completed the application. I never paid the fee. I thought about applying there, but changed my mind.

And I was applying to Screenwriting, anyway.

I got an acceptance letter from Boston University for Television Production. It's reassuring that there's a school that officially wants me. But at the same time, I don't want to go to Boston - UCLA is my first choice. I'm keepin' my fingers crossed.
Well congrats with BU anyway, and good luck with UCLA. If it's any consolation, Boston is a great city. ;)
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I got the rejection email from UT Austin today too-MA in Media Studies-I never would apply for an MA first off. I'm not sure what's going on there----
I was notified I was rejected frmo NYU for MFA in Screenwriting. Definitely disappointed but can't say I'm surprised given the reputation of NYU and how I somehow rushed my application.
Philly....wow. No way. What IS going on at UT-A, namely, the MA Media Studies Program? Are we inflating statistics? Cah-rayzay.

Air....sorry to hear of your rejection, but at least you were sort of expecting it...
Hey BillyD! CONGRATS! So they called you! Thats great! When did you interview? I interviewed last Friday (for Columbia). Congrats again:)
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Nevermind BillyD, I just realized you interviewed on the 19th or around that time. Man, I hope they call me too :eek:
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