FSU Film Conservatory 2008

I also had my interview back on March 2nd for the writing program. I think it went okay. Definitely a grueling interview, but I kept the panel laughing and they were pretty personable guys. It's just this waiting to hear back that's killing me now.
Originally posted by FLFilmFan:
i wonder how intertwined the screenwriting program is with the production program.

From the way my roommates (both graduates of the program) spoke of it. In the first semester, screenwriting and production students both have the same schedules and classes in production. After the first semester, however, the writing students almost never really come into contact with the production students, other than outside collaborations. The writing students have classes in another building, and really focus only on writing unless they would like to help out in some capacity with the production students. Both programs are intense, so there's not really time for a lot of collaboration until the later semesters. At least that's what I hear talking to students.
Anyone hear from FSU yet? I talked to some students on one of the thesis shoots ("Precious Cargo") after my interview. One of the students heard about a week after his interview (He had the last interview slot, so I think he heard back from them around early April). Another student didn't hear back until early May.

I guess we've got at least a couple more weeks...
ahhh quit driving me crazy!

no one ever comments on this thread and every time i see it bumped up, i know i have already been rejected.

i have the least amount of confidence about getting into this school but i want it the most as i have been rejected twice already.

yea, it should be any day now, i think the last interview was about a week and a half ago.

best of luck!
ps i think an early may notification means he was lifted from the waitlist because i think it is a universal deadline of may 1 for all schools

I think nearly everyone who interviewed at FSU thinks they've already been rejected, including the current grad students who took us on the tour, who still thought they completely blew it. It was brutal. I was expecting one of the interviewers to slowly get up, meander the twelve miles over to my little chair, in the middle of an otherwise empty room, violently snap on a latex glove, shine a light in my face, and ask me whether or not "it" was safe.

not to say that i am a good interviewer or the schools i interviewed with "liked" me, but i got a bad impression from leaving the interview with fsu.

its almost as if i left the room thinking that based on the look on their faces, i am a failure and that i have nothing to offer the industry. its kind of like leaving the room with the soul sucked out of you.

it seems like im over dramaticizing it, but i have pretty accurate feelings about my interviews and i can almost replay the entire thing word by word and say to myself "what was i thinking?" i always have a feeling that i want to vomit after these interviews and fsu is a case where i felt super nauseous afterwards.

i hear what wicket is saying, though.

although, i wonder, would it be strategically better to do a phone interview? that way there would be no group session for that individual.

hey everyone,

just got an acceptance from fsu for producing. but it really doesn't matter in the conservatory setting.

anyone have anything to say about it? I'm kinda on the fence about the school.

Oh and before you ask it was an email notification.
Hi everybody,

I received an acceptance e-mail to the FSU production program on April 18th. I was beyond petrified after my interview so I didn't ask as much questions as I should've. I'm probably going to accept the invitation, but would feel more comfortable about it if I got some inside perspectives about it. Thanks for the help!
Hey guys! It's my first time on the forum. I was accepted into the production program a couple of days ago. Does anyone know about any good apartments that's not too close or not too far from the Film School if that makes any sense? And if there's anything you think is pertinent to know about the program please tell me! Good luck to everyone else.
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Originally posted by FLFilmFan:

it seems like im over dramaticizing it, but i have pretty accurate feelings about my interviews and i can almost replay the entire thing word by word and say to myself "what was i thinking?"

Dude, I think about this everyday...I mean I'm not dwelling on it (in undergrad: I was a made a possible alternate aka rejected), but everyday I can't help but re-answer the questions to myself. I can't help but re-do the entire interview in my mind... it's like now I know what to say, then I don't know wtf I was talking about (I got backed into some corners).

Honestly, I would've been way more satisfied with myself if I had just ruined the interview on purpose. I would've rather left them thinking I was insane, than that I was nervous or unclear. I just wish I would've come off as more extreme, I wish I would've just turned on them and put them under pressure. Naturally, this scenario was thought of long after the interview.

Then again, I no longer have any interest in their program, I feel like at least as on undergrad it puts serious constraints on your ability to be involved with the rest of the school.
I'd stop worrying about it! After all, it is just one school. I interviewed too, and there seemed to be a little bit of a culture of fear going on there... the fellow who insisted on getting what other schools I was applying to was actually SHAKING when I said no. No one should be that afraid of their boss(es). I relented when I saw how upset he was. In any event, it was pretty poor PR for the school.

Just remember, those guys are teaching in the middle of a swamp. Do you really think they have the corner on success secrets in the movie biz?? I'd say a big nope. I am sure they are good, but so are tons of other people... and that includes ones who have a proven track record of thinking you are the cat's meow. Stick with those good souls, and forget about the ones in Florida who don't appreciate your value.

your post is dead on. i got a pretty weird vibe while i was there. being a kid from fl, i literally compromised what i actually stood for just to be accepted. even then denied.

out of all the schools i have applied to they have given me the worst experience. i would expect this type of interview from someone like afi, nyu or columbia, but i have never before felt so intimidated by an admissions committee before.

it is a great school and a great program, but i think they picture themselves to be so much better than they are.
word to all the posts about the interview feeling like surgery without anesthesia. I felt like I had just emerged from a nightmare and kept repeating the scenario over and over again in my head, especially my pitch for the five minute film which I'm now convinced is the worst idea for a five minute film ever pitched to a committee.

However, I feel the need to remind myself and everyone else that you have to have a thick skin in this business to survive. The intimidation tatics of FSU might seem unnecessary right now, but surviving that interview will probably help us all in the future when its for real and you're trying to get someone at Warner Brothers to produce your film.

Anyway, I'm new to the site although I've been reading for a while. I got the acceptance letter from FSU a few weeks ago and just got a letter from USC yesterday, which completely threw me for a loop--I was wondering if any FSU students or accepted students going there for sure next year had any insight on why FSU is the place to be. I really fell in love with the school when I visited, but this is a tough decision.

Any help would be greaty appreciated!!!

Congrats to everyone accepted and chin-up for all who got rejection letters---Don't let one person or one school make you feel small.

you are considering going to FSU instead of USC? It's hard for me to imagine why this would be a difficult decision. USC = equal and better facilities, staff, connections to the industry, intern opportunities, reputation, ad infinitum. the only advantage is at FSU you might be a bigger fish in a smaller pond or get more personal attention, but this is not relevant if you actually want to work in the movie business.

I would understand if you were looking at NYU (East coast) or Cal Arts (more artist-driven), but between USC and FSU the choice seems pretty easy to me.
USC does have its positives obviously but it also carries a huge price tag. Also, a huge factor that turns me off is that they only select a small number of people as directors while everyone else specializes in crew positions. If your aim is just to work in Hollywood in any capacity, then USC seems like a good choice...but if you want to direct and produce your own independent films, a smaller school like FSU might be a better option.
The cost is definitely a legitimate concern for a lot of people. FSU does have a better price tag since they help pay for it, and you're right in that if you only want to make your own films, then it is a good education.

I've been making my own films for four years, using the knowledge I learned as an undergrad at notre dame and the money I save from working a day job. I've worked on big films and on small ones, and used that to help me make my own. You don't need a degree to work in the industry or to make your own films. Grad school gives you time to focus on your craft, to get respected feedback, to get access to great equipment, and to give you alumni connections.

My feeling about USC is that you can use the education you get there to make your own films, or if you want to work in the industry then you have the know-how and connections to do so.
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