FSU Film Conservatory 2008

i'm an international applicant so i had the option. They haven't told me when the phone interview dates are, so i still might have to fly out. we'll see.

Filmfan, you were saying how much you liked the fsu program. i liked it a lot too but i feel like you could give me a lot more insight.
Production applicant here. I'm driving down for the 3/8 interview.

Can any current FSU students give us nail-biting potentials some insight on the interview process? I have NO clue what to expect.
for all of you going to fsu for you interview i read somewhere that there are two parts to the interview.

1) one on one with an admissions committee
2) they put you into a group for a group interview. i think they want to see how people play off of each other.

but this is only what i researched i don't actually know for sure.
Hey. I've been lurking on this site the last several months gathering information and advice, and felt compelled to make myself known, as I just recently had my FSU Grad interview on March 1st.

I feel conflicted though, because I know how stressed and anxious people get during this process, we (at least I) might tend to over-prepare, or, adjust/censor ourselves based on the inside knowledge we gather here. The "be yourself" notion, while probably best, doesn't address the fact that ultimately, the sole objective at this stage is getting in, and most people understand the human realities of the situation. Expectations and compromises. Under certain spotlights, being yourself is naive. If you know that "self" doesn't exactly fit in with the mainstream and won't cut it the selection process, why would you knowingly sink yourself?

It's your call. You are the best judge of what's best for you. I was there though, and if anybody wants to know what went on, I have some insight. This is just my disclaimer. I don't want to alter any impressionable mindsets at the last minute. We're all human, and it's near impossible not to be affected by the insider information.

"I feel it's best to stay out of other people's affairs"
Ok. What's the protocol? PM or just right here out in the open?

Sorry I just don't want to get ripped by twenty people over what I might say.
fsu applicants arent very much of a forum friendly people as say afi, columbia, and nyu.

just wondering what everyone thought of their interview.

for me, pretty grueling.
flfilmfan... i have to agree, it was pretty rough. mix that in with about three hours of sleep (NO SHEETS IN THE HOTEL ROOM?!?!!), extreme hunger, pre-interview jitters, post-interview depression... yeah, it was rough. :) GREAT school, though. when the red head tour guide whipped out the 4K red-one camera... WOOOO... i was sold.
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d osborn,

were you in my group on march the 8th?

fsu was by far the hardest interview to do. it was an intense, weird atmosphere and even though i had the final interview before the group session it seemed like i was waiting forever! i cant imagine how you were.

yea, the red-one was pretty cool, i want to see the actual projection, though.
I know this is a grad school thread, but I did the undergrad FSU interview and it was mildly traumatic, I mean I've done interviews before but the environment they put you in was such a pressure cooker.

I mean everything from the set up the room (did everybody else get the whole single chair placed a million miles from the panel, at the back of room, with 3 of them at the front of the room?) to the group interview (I felt like I was on a reality show). But, hey learning experience ... or something.
After talking with everyone else who interviewed, I don't think it was as bad as I imagine.

I mean, yes, the interviewers had stone-cold poker faces. Yes, they jumped right into it. Yes, it was an intimidating atmosphere and environment. But it was fairly short (or seemed to be) and I've been able to justify that one of two ways:

a) I bombed horribly and never had a chance.
b) The panel merely wanted to meet me, make sure I wasn't nuts, and my interview was to just confirm what my materials had already told them about me.

That is all.

ps. I got to see some of the footage from the Red camera. It looked astonishing.
Hey- Dave
I'd love to hear what you thought about your experience with the school...

Also, I'm looking to transfer, and my top two choices are FSU and NCSA (mainly for economic purposes) I have to work a year in between my two schools and I figure I could work in the state and get instate tuition, which is much cheaper at these places than most other ones, and I hear they're really good schools. So, I'd love to hear opinions on FSU or NCSA if anyone knows anything...

I'd also love to hear any other suggestions for schools on the east coast or foreign... thanks guys!
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