NFTS - 2018 Entry

Hey y'all just got an email and by some miracle I made it into the workshop in July. Hope everyone gets the same news!
Congrats! Similarly miraculous, I also made it through to the workshop in spite of my god-awful interview. I'll see you there RockinCon!
Congrats! Similarly miraculous, I also made it through to the workshop in spite of my god-awful interview. I'll see you there RockinCon!

wow really!!! Sweet someone i'll kinda know! I'm figuring out flights right now and its such a hassle you're lucky your kinda close!
wow really!!! Sweet someone i'll kinda know! I'm figuring out flights right now and its such a hassle you're lucky your kinda close!

Congrats to both of you! I am not really familiar with the workshop element as it's not part of my application - does this mean you've been accepted to the course and the workshop is a mere introduction to it or is it another type of assessment?

Just got my rejection... Good luck to the rest of you!

Sorry to hear TKS! There is always next year.

I should be hearing back myself in about a week, time is going by so slowly..
Hey Memz I am waiting for Screenwriting too. They said two weeks but that hasn't stopped me checking my email every five minutes! TWO WEEKS IS SO LONG! Gnahhhhhhhh.

TKS sorry hear that :-(
Will you apply next year?
Congrats to both of you! I am not really familiar with the workshop element as it's not part of my application - does this mean you've been accepted to the course and the workshop is a mere introduction to it or is it another type of assessment?

Thanks Memz, but no, we're not onto the course yet. I'm not sure how many editing students are selected to do the workshop, but a number of us (at least 16 I'd imagine), will edit a variety of projects within limited timeframes over the course of five days, and the students with the most accomplished works or who demonstrated a clear ability to remain calm and focused, will presumably be the ones who make it through to the last eight.

It kinda sucks that we all have to meet and then essentially compete against each other in the same space, but in the invitation email they try to make it clear that the workshop has educational benefits for all involved, regardless of whether you're ultimately accepted because of it.

Hope you make it through yourself!
Hey Memz I am waiting for Screenwriting too. They said two weeks but that hasn't stopped me checking my email every five minutes! TWO WEEKS IS SO LONG! Gnahhhhhhhh.

TKS sorry hear that :-(
Will you apply next year?

Oh, yay someone in the same boat as me! The wait is killing me... How do you feel your interview went? I left thinking it went great but with every day that passes I get more paranoid and think about potential things I said that could affect me negatively.

Thanks Memz, but no, we're not onto the course yet. I'm not sure how many editing students are selected to do the workshop, but a number of us (at least 16 I'd imagine), will edit a variety of projects within limited timeframes over the course of five days, and the students with the most accomplished works or who demonstrated a clear ability to remain calm and focused, will presumably be the ones who make it through to the last eight.

It kinda sucks that we all have to meet and then essentially compete against each other in the same space, but in the invitation email they try to make it clear that the workshop has educational benefits for all involved, regardless of whether you're ultimately accepted because of it.

Hope you make it through yourself!

I see! Yeah, I wouldn't like having to compete against people like that. But I am sure it will be a very good experience for you either way. Fingers crossed you both get through!
Haha Memz me too! Bit of a mixed bag at the interview; some questions were okay but also started to ramble and one of the panel was a bit unsure about me. My story was also pretty dark so they might think I'm a sociopath, haha. I can't call it so am preparing not to get in which is cool as it was great to be shortlisted so that has been good for motivation and confidence.

I guess the way we have to see it is that they need to put together a group that have unique voices but will also work together well so it's not personal. I was cool about waiting initially but now that doubt has crept in I just want to know so I can deal with the decision. I'm hoping they tell us by the end of this week. I might actually expire if they don't!
Haha Memz me too! Bit of a mixed bag at the interview; some questions were okay but also started to ramble and one of the panel was a bit unsure about me. My story was also pretty dark so they might think I'm a sociopath, haha. I can't call it so am preparing not to get in which is cool as it was great to be shortlisted so that has been good for motivation and confidence.

I guess the way we have to see it is that they need to put together a group that have unique voices but will also work together well so it's not personal. I was cool about waiting initially but now that doubt has crept in I just want to know so I can deal with the decision. I'm hoping they tell us by the end of this week. I might actually expire if they don't!

Yeah I 've been thinking a lot about the much smarter things I could have said in answer to their questions.. but what can you do. I think they're really mainly looking for enthusiasm, passion and dedication. And a certain unique type of voice. I definitely don't think it hurts to have a darker story - at least it could make you stand out from the others?
But true, it does feel really good to at least have gotten through to interview stage. It was also an opportunity to go to the school and get a feel for the place so really happy about that.

But I am slowly going insane waiting for this email now. It's getting worse every day. I just really wanna know and get this part over with! :(
Memz I just phoned the registry (patience of a fruit fly) and they said that outcomes were more likely to be processed next week. I know its an extra few days to wait but at least we can relax and enjoy the rest of this week without checking emails every ten seconds.

I think some of the other courses had gazillions of applicants so imagine they will need to deal with all of those first.

Fingers crossed for everyone! And good luck to those on the workshops.
Just saw your message Memz. We must be going insane together! Let's try to put it out of our minds this week and then start the obsession first thing Monday morning ;) Everyone at the Registry will be there at 6am, right? RIGHT?! Haha
Memz I just phoned the registry (patience of a fruit fly) and they said that outcomes were more likely to be processed next week. I know its an extra few days to wait but at least we can relax and enjoy the rest of this week without checking emails every ten seconds.

I think some of the other courses had gazillions of applicants so imagine they will need to deal with all of those first.

Fingers crossed for everyone! And good luck to those on the workshops.

Oh God really? This is going to be the longest four days of my liiiife. Resisting urge to stalk the panel and send them pleading/threating text messages...
Anyone from MA Cinematography? I had my interview last Thursday, pretty sure I ballsed it up in a spectacular fashion. Now awaiting word on whether I've made it through to the workshop.. I called registry too and they said "early next week"... whyyyyy
@Vic and @Norbert Varjasi applied to cinematography. :)

Unfortunately I got rejected.

I made a small mistake that could lead to this. My showreel's privacy settings was on "hide from" until about 15th of June. When I realized that It is unavailable to the Panel I immidiately changed It to public, but It was possibly late.

And there is the possibility of they found some better applicants than me :)
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