NYU Grad Film school Fall 2021

What are the chances of being admitted after a waitlist? Who would reject the offer though
What are the chances of being admitted after a waitlist? Who would reject the offer though
You never know some people may choose to go somewhere else they applied or not go at all - depending on scholarships, personal reasons, or anything! I looked at last years thread and it looked like at least a couple people got in off the waitlist in April/May. Someone I know who was an alumni from a few years back told me to try to like also think about other applicants and not just yourself (I only applied to NYU), but I imagine if I was accepted into Usc or afi or had a good offer somewhere else, I certainly would weigh all my options out as well. I have also read there is no like specific ranking in the waitlist - basically if slots open, they will review the students on the list and choose from there who to extend an offer to....so the wait/game continues even if there is a chance of spots opening ha ha.
I have been trying to find the fall 2020 thread and for some reason, I can't. Could someone link it for me? Thank you so much!
BTW the trick is to go to the MA application thread forum. Choose "this Forum" in search option and select search title only. Then type in nyu 2020 or usc 2020 into search. Etc...
You never know some people may choose to go somewhere else they applied or not go at all - depending on scholarships, personal reasons, or anything! I looked at last years thread and it looked like at least a couple people got in off the waitlist in April/May. Someone I know who was an alumni from a few years back told me to try to like also think about other applicants and not just yourself (I only applied to NYU), but I imagine if I was accepted into Usc or afi or had a good offer somewhere else, I certainly would weigh all my options out as well. I have also read there is no like specific ranking in the waitlist - basically if slots open, they will review the students on the list and choose from there who to extend an offer to....so the wait/game continues even if there is a chance of spots opening ha ha.
You never know some people may choose to go somewhere else they applied or not go at all - depending on scholarships, personal reasons, or anything! I looked at last years thread and it looked like at least a couple people got in off the waitlist in April/May. Someone I know who was an alumni from a few years back told me to try to like also think about other applicants and not just yourself (I only applied to NYU), but I imagine if I was accepted into Usc or afi or had a good offer somewhere else, I certainly would weigh all my options out as well. I have also read there is no like specific ranking in the waitlist - basically if slots open, they will review the students on the list and choose from there who to extend an offer to....so the wait/game continues even if there is a chance of spots opening ha ha.
My god, the waiting game will continue then 😂😂

I’m really happy that we created this nice supportive community too. I wish those who got in all the success and those who didn’t or still waiting, the best of luck in whatever path they chose to go for
USC admits some who weren't interviewed. I guess this isn't the case you think for NYU?
Considering the whole covid situation, I am hoping that things might be different and NYU might waitlist those who weren’t interviewed (if not accept)
USC admits some who weren't interviewed. I guess this isn't the case you think for NYU?
For me it just does more harm than good to be hopeful, especially without hard evidence that it's been done before. If it happens, it happens. But I'd rather prepare for the worst!
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