NYU Grad Film school Fall 2021

I don’t know what is going on in NYU, I’m really surprised not a lot of people got interview requests in this thread
Is it possible that all the interview requests have been sent out already in about two days (2.5 & 2.8) this year? In 2020 the interview rolling lasted for a long time, while it seems like all the interviews were sent out in two days(2.13 & 2.14) in 2019, which could be seen from the thread that year.
That’s really strange that they stop sending anything after 2.8th. The amount of applications increased a lot, so they may not finish reviewing applications earlier than the last two years.
It’s so difficult to assume anything right now. 😐
Is it possible that all the interview requests have been sent out already in about two days (2.5 & 2.8) this year? In 2020 the interview rolling lasted for a long time, while it seems like all the interviews were sent out in two days(2.13 & 2.14) in 2019, which could be seen from the thread that year.
That’s really strange that they stop sending anything after 2.8th. The amount of applications increased a lot, so they may not finish reviewing applications earlier than the last two years.
It’s so difficult to assume anything right now. 😐
Ahhh I really hope not!
Is it possible that all the interview requests have been sent out already in about two days (2.5 & 2.8) this year? In 2020 the interview rolling lasted for a long time, while it seems like all the interviews were sent out in two days(2.13 & 2.14) in 2019, which could be seen from the thread that year.
That’s really strange that they stop sending anything after 2.8th. The amount of applications increased a lot, so they may not finish reviewing applications earlier than the last two years.
It’s so difficult to assume anything right now. 😐
specifically about invitation email to interview - from his tone of voice, seemed more like a 'we're working on it' as opposed to a, 'you missed out kid, stop callin'
Judging from this reply, I guess not 🤔
So I called the grad film program to ask when the majority of interview requests will be sent out and the only reply I got is that I will know my application status by April 🤷‍♂️
Thats interesting because their website says that most departments begin the notification process on March 1st (and I’m sure they notify accepted applicants all at once) so maybe their timeline got pushed back a month.
I'm also starting to think they might've already sent all interview requests! It seems weird that they would take such a huge break after sending out their first requests (or maybe something happened that stopped the notification process, but if it was due to covid and people working remotely I guess they would just be sending requests at a slower pace, and not put everything on hold for 2 weeks).
But at the same time NYU's responses to those who called the admission office are very confusing (although I think they might've actually said to wait until March because that's when we're going to receive the rejection letter).
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