AFI 2024 - All Applicants

What did we all think of the accepted students info session? Is anyone closer to making a decision now? I'm actually pretty set on declining my offer from AFI for financial reasons at this point. It's a tragedy because it's always been a dream of mine to go there, and I do really love the curriculum and the opportunities available there, but the tuition is literally impossible for me or anyone in my family to pay. And that financial aid info session gave me very little hope lol, especially when they said they only offer scholarships to incoming freshmen. Yikes! Luckily I got a much better aid offer from a program I equally love and which I really vibed with, but damn, is it hard to say no to AFI!
What did we all think of the accepted students info session? Is anyone closer to making a decision now? I'm actually pretty set on declining my offer from AFI for financial reasons at this point. It's a tragedy because it's always been a dream of mine to go there, and I do really love the curriculum and the opportunities available there, but the tuition is literally impossible for me or anyone in my family to pay. And that financial aid info session gave me very little hope lol, especially when they said they only offer scholarships to incoming freshmen. Yikes! Luckily I got a much better aid offer from a program I equally love and which I really vibed with, but damn, is it hard to say no to AFI!
I would say it didn’t have much impact on my decision, but it was nice to get some answers about things I didn’t know. I didn’t think the financial aid session was all too helpful to be honest.

As much as it’s a risk it’s also such an incredible program and opportunity that I can’t turn it down. But I don’t have the same options in terms of schooling and AFI is the only program I could get into due to my education background so if my situation was different who knows. A big thing for me is just how much access you have to build a network in the heart of the industry that you don’t get many other places. That’s so major in this industry and is something I’ve seen be a problem first hand at schools with less connections. I’m also the kind of person who loves writing but also the act of making those films and I feel like AFI really suits me in that regard since you have those opportunities. It’s a financial risk but for me it feels like a worthwhile investment in myself even knowing there’s no guarantees. I sincerely wish you luck on your journey! UT seems like a great program (assuming that’s what you’re gonna do).
Is there anyone here who assist me in what was the subject of entire session last night? Unfortunately I didn’t make it through to attend the session, I’m a little bit nervous
I wouldn’t stress about it. It is designed to make people accept offers so a lot about the school, resources, and a talk from an alum who produced Zone of Interest etc. And then breakout rooms by discipline to meet section leaders and then mostly answering questions. Then there were breakouts re financial aid and international - prob mostly re visa questions- but i didn’t attend those.
Hello, are you admitted off the waitlist? Which program is it? I am wondering if I still need to wait....
Hi! So no I wasn't on the waitlist. They extended their deadline for production design so for me I am going about a different timeline. But I think this week you should hear something if so. Only because my deadline is the 26th and I feel they would be wanting to have most decisions figured out by that time. This is a guess though.
Hi! So no I wasn't on the waitlist. They extended their deadline for production design so for me I am going about a different timeline. But I think this week you should hear something if so. Only because my deadline is the 26th and I feel they would be wanting to have most decisions figured out by that time. This is a guess though.
Thank you for the encouragement! Congratulations on your acceptance as well. Wishing you the very best! 🥳
I'm curious if anyone on the waitlist has a date in mind they're still holding out until? I'd assume now that deposits have been sent in, all spots are locked up. Obviously, someone could drop up until the last second, I'm just trying to map out the rest of the year for myself
In all honesty I was waiting until the first round of waitlisted people were offered places - if at all - and would then have accepted defeat. I had assumed that a handful more than just @MrMeister (congratulations by the way) would have heard something by now though.

Maybe they do it by course, but I’ll probably give it a couple of weeks before mentally giving up as when I spoke to the admissions department they said they would reconvene after the initial offers had been determined, so that may take a little bit of time.
In all honesty I was waiting until the first round of waitlisted people were offered places - if at all - and would then have accepted defeat. I had assumed that a handful more than just @MrMeister (congratulations by the way) would have heard something by now though.

Maybe they do it by course, but I’ll probably give it a couple of weeks before mentally giving up as when I spoke to the admissions department they said they would reconvene after the initial offers had been determined, so that may take a little bit of time.
I would like to add that I emailed admissions on the 15th expressing further interest and explaining that I'm able to fund the tuition. I'm not sure if that helped at all or not.
I'm wondering if there have been any further admissions from the waitlist. Please do let us know. It's preferable to address false hope sooner rather than later.
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