For Those Who Got Accepted to Film School (NYU/USC/UCLA)

Thanks. It was a four year degree, minimum two years. But I overloaded and combined all my minors to scrape together a third. :)
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Hi all. Quick Q, am I correct in thinking that only transcripts and GRE scores need be mailed physically to the USC offices, and all of the other material is only to be entered online? I sent everything in to UCLA and am not entirely clear that USC's guidelines are different. Pls help. Thank you.
That's what I did. I think you can also send them letters of rec if for some reason you can't get them done online.

I'm applying for the writing program, however, so it might be different for other disciplines. At least as far as writing is concerned, UCLA required hard copies for writing samples, personal statement, and the like, whereas USC does not.
I'm applying for the writing program as well, so that is good news. Thank you so much!

I was scouring the web-site trying to find all these instructions and the only one that came up for hard copy was test scores and transcripts, but I guess I was still in the UCLA mind-set.

Had GRE and transcripts sent electronically a while ago so I guess that means i'm done. Only waited this long because I just finished my writing samples and thought I had to mail them all together, so this is a relief to hear. Thanks again for the info.
Can anyone describe the interview process?

When do the phone calls normally start coming? If you don't get a request for interview is that a death sentence?
This topic is great and I'm sure it will help a lot of future applicants. But why did you choose only these three schools? I'm sure a lot of forum members are at least interested in the big 5. The application process is anyway pretty similar everywhere.
I'll give it a whirl. I got into most of the Big 5 in 2010 for directing and screenwriting (I chose USC - Production). I then got into AFI Directing for 2012.

1. Penn State University. 4.00/4.00 GPA. Communications - Film and Video

3. I came in with the Red One Camera and got on with a few features as a 2nd then 1st AC before I finished my undergrad -- dumb luck, but I made the most of it, busting my butt with a smile on my face.
I also wrote about 3 feature scripts at that point.
Since I really didn't have a 'directing reel' of my own at that point, I used the photo options on several applications. I told a story in 5 well-composed 2.35 frames with actors.
It was a chase sequence with a machine gun haha.

4. My personal statement when I applied in 2010 was very introspective and highfalutin -- I remember talking about Aristotle. I related how a major life-changing experience shaped my present day self. They want to see your ability to craft a narrative full of character motivations, revelations, etc.
Imagine your personal statement like a story. What does the protag learn in the 3rd Act, and how does it shape his/her life after the credits roll?
Be honest and genuine. Use your own voice. They want unique voices, not people giving them what they want to hear.

5. My 3 Letters of Rec in 2010 were from a DP on a feature I worked on, my undergrad professor, and an actor/producer from another feature.
In 2012 they were from the same DP, my Int. Directing Professor, and my Int. Cinematography Professor (both from USC).

6. Most important piece of advice:
They are looking for individuals are highly intelligent and/or extremely hard-working. You must be able to express yourself.
This trait coupled with a keen sense of creativity is a must. You must push the envelope. They want to be surprised with the applications.
These folks are usually professors/adjunct professors who see literally hundreds of short films a year. Do something different. Challenge yourself.
And, of course, be entertaining! If your application is bland, you'll probably come off as a bland storyteller.

Good luck everybody!
My imdb:
I am currently in the process of applying to NYU, USC, and Pepperdine for film school. I have already taken my GRE and got a pretty good score, now I'm am working on the essays.

What makes a good essay? Seriously, I feel like they are all going to read mine and just laugh.
Can anyone offer advice please?
1. Undergraduate Credentials:
  • North Carolina A&T State University, 3.86/4.0 GPA, Criminal Justice
2. GRE Scores:
  • Didn't take GRE.
3. Film-related jobs/work experience:
  • Music and Media Licensing Intern at Viacom (NYC)
  • Business Affairs Intern at Lionsgate (LA)
  • Founder and CEO of an amateur photography company
  • Former performer (singer & dancer)
  • Current student of premier acting school in LA
4. The general gist of your 'personal statement:
  • Mostly about taking control and becoming the "director" of my own life. Emphasized my character and diversity. Showed what I could bring to the industry and why my voice matters in modern America. I left law school halfway through to pursue my dreams, so I emphasized my unique views, experience, and outlook on captivating audiences.
5. Who wrote your letters of recommendation?
  • Former supervisor for event planning organization
  • Former advisor
  • Former professor
*Doesn't matter the title of the people as long as they truly know you and can speak to how you are valuable in this field.

6. (optional) The single, most important piece of advice you could give to prospective students applying to these schools.
  • Be strategic, put your best foot forward in your application and don't be stuck in your ways when receiving feedback.

(Accepted to USC on the first try; only school I applied to.)
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