NYU Tisch MFA Film 2014 applicants

Hey guys, long-time lurker here.

Also got accepted to NYU and Columbia and I don't know how to decide. I feel the exact same way as you do, connorsimpson and jnoel. Have you decided where to go?
That's interesting how many people this year got accepted to NYU and Columbia. I am in the same boat too, but I am surprised about your doubt. NYU has a strong post-production and pre-production-rooms, in contrast CU has no more than 10 rooms for all of classes and faculty's offices. BTW that's my opinion. I'm pretty sure that NYU is my choice. Hope to see you.

I'm really leaning toward Columbia. They've got an insane amount of students doing great in the festival and workshop scene and have brought home a few student academy awards the past few years. If facilities and equipment were my main focus, then I would accept at USC, but what I like most about Columbia is their focus on story and their philosophy of encouraging directors to write all the time. I got an amazing feeling about their program and their campus when I visited for my interview, and I am a huge fan of their story-centered curriculum. If I wanted to be a cinematographer, I would definitely look elsewhere but as an aspiring director and writer, it's really hard to say no to their program.

Being said, NYU is obviously also incredible and has it's own list of accolades and pluses. I'm definitely considering both, and I don't want to write off either school until I've done all my homework on both programs. I'd love to hear from some alumni if there are any out there!
I'll add that the main reasons I love NYU are because they seem to have a really established program, a ton of industry connections, a production-focused curriculum, and impressive alumni. It's a really difficult decision for sure. I know we're kind of trailing off into talking about programs other than NYU in this thread that's supposed to be about NYU only, so I'll move all my Columbia questions to the appropriate thread. But again, if there are any current or past NYU students, please jump in and tell us what's up!
I've formally accepted my offer from NYU and have been looking into housing options. It's pretty daunting. Doesn't seem like I'll really be able to properly look until late July at the earliest.

Does anyone have any firm ideas of what they're going to do for housing? NYU's grad housing seems like a bad deal. It's over $2,000 a month for a shared bedroom.
HI There, I've been lurking for quite a while. Wondering if anyone has heard of any movement on the wait list for NYU dramatic writing. Does anyone know when acceptances were due? I figured perhaps movement on the wait would occur after that point.
Decisions are due May 1st. They had an info session this past weekend and half the admitted class (12 students) attended. It seemed like most of them were leaning towards accepting if they hadn't already. Hope it works out for you!
Decisions are due May 1st. They had an info session this past weekend and half the admitted class (12 students) attended. It seemed like most of them were leaning towards accepting if they hadn't already. Hope it works out for you!

Thanks for the reply GMF! Congratulations to you and all who were accepted!
Hi all,

I'm currently on the waitlist for the dramatic writing program. I was wondering if anyone knew generally how many people get waitlisted and how many students are admitted to the DW program? Thanks for your help.
Hi all,

I'm currently on the waitlist for the dramatic writing program. I was wondering if anyone knew generally how many people get waitlisted and how many students are admitted to the DW program? Thanks for your help.

Don't know how many people get waitlisted, but they usually admit 24 students in the DW program.
Hi all,

I'm currently on the waitlist for the dramatic writing program. I was wondering if anyone knew generally how many people get waitlisted and how many students are admitted to the DW program? Thanks for your help.

Hi thraser11, I'm not sure how many are wait listed but I did get a call last week asking me if I was still interested and letting me know that they'd probably begin dealing with those on the wait list after May 1st. So hopefully we'll hear something soon!
I received a call and was accepted off the WL. Is there a FB group for incoming dramatic writing students? Thanks, and good luck to all those still waiting to hear.
I received a call and was accepted off the WL. Is there a FB group for incoming dramatic writing students? Thanks, and good luck to all those still waiting to hear.

There's no FB group yet. My guess is they're waiting until they have a full incoming class. Feel free to pm me if you want to connect before then.
I received a call and was accepted off the WL. Is there a FB group for incoming dramatic writing students? Thanks, and good luck to all those still waiting to hear.

thraser11 that's great news! I got a very similar call earlier this week. I'm going up their soon to get a more in-depth tour. Hopefully that'll help me decide.

Congrats to you again!
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