USC Film School Interview Questions

Chris W

The night was sultry...
Staff member
Please share your USC interview questions in this thread as well as the application year thread. :)

Also here's our old article with past interview questions to all programs:

Film School Interview Questions

Film School Interview Questions

This is a list of ACTUAL interview questions reported from posts from our members from the thousands of posts over the years on these boards. Please leave a reply in the discussion thread with any that you've had and I'll update the article. Also WEAR NICE CLOTHES TO YOUR INTERVIEW - as an AFI...
Undergraduate Film and TV Production Interview (February 2024)

I received an email requesting an interview and giving me two time slots both the night I received the email (only about an hour before I ended up starting the interview)
and the next night. These are the questions I remember:

1) What has been your biggest failure
2) What is your biggest fear and biggest inspiration
3) What theme will be present in your future work
4) What will you do if you don't get into SCA
5) What is a filmmaker's greatest tool
6) What is a story of a conflict you had and how you overcame it
7) What is a time you have been a /been in the minority
8) What is a scene/film that has impacted you recently

(The interviewer mentioned they were meant to ask 9 questions from their presumably longer list)

Overall, the interview was very casual with the questions weaved in throughout. On an interesting note, contrary to much of what I was able to find online about what SCA admissions has access to, it was clear from my interviewer's comments and responses that they had thoroughly reviewed my application, including my CommonApp essay which they brought up specifically and which was not a part of the SCA supplemental application.

I wanted to wait until after I received my admissions decision to post this, and unfortunately I was rejected, but for anyone in their admissions process right now I was accepted into several other great film schools and as much as I was hoping for it SCA is by no means the end-all-be-all, good luck on your process!!!!!
I wanted to wait until after I received my admissions decision to post this, and unfortunately I was rejected, but for anyone in their admissions process right now I was accepted into several other great film schools and as much as I was hoping for it SCA is by no means the end-all-be-all, good luck on your process!!!!!
Sorry to hear that you were rejected! Log your application when you can.

Did you apply to other film schools?
Undergraduate Film and TV Production Interview (February 2024)

I received an email requesting an interview and giving me two time slots both the night I received the email (only about an hour before I ended up starting the interview)
and the next night. These are the questions I remember:

1) What has been your biggest failure
2) What is your biggest fear and biggest inspiration
3) What theme will be present in your future work
4) What will you do if you don't get into SCA
5) What is a filmmaker's greatest tool
6) What is a story of a conflict you had and how you overcame it
7) What is a time you have been a /been in the minority
8) What is a scene/film that has impacted you recently

(The interviewer mentioned they were meant to ask 9 questions from their presumably longer list)

Overall, the interview was very casual with the questions weaved in throughout. On an interesting note, contrary to much of what I was able to find online about what SCA admissions has access to, it was clear from my interviewer's comments and responses that they had thoroughly reviewed my application, including my CommonApp essay which they brought up specifically and which was not a part of the SCA supplemental application.

I wanted to wait until after I received my admissions decision to post this, and unfortunately I was rejected, but for anyone in their admissions process right now I was accepted into several other great film schools and as much as I was hoping for it SCA is by no means the end-all-be-all, good luck on your process!!!!!
Chris would you mind sharing what other schools you are considering and generally your GPA test scores? Only if you are comfortable!
Chris would you mind sharing what other schools you are considering and generally your GPA test scores? Only if you are comfortable!
Assuming you’re asking me but my bad if not.
I wound up deciding between LMU, NYU, DePaul, and Boston University for film production, and a number of other schools where I applied under a different major.
My gpa was 3.97 unweighted and 4.85 weighted, I took 12 so classes and had 7 5s on tests at the time I applied (I took the other 5 ap courses this year as a senior so I haven’t taken the tests yet). I only took the SAT and had a 1550.
Hope that helps!
Assuming you’re asking me but my bad if not.
I wound up deciding between LMU, NYU, DePaul, and Boston University for film production, and a number of other schools where I applied under a different major.
My gpa was 3.97 unweighted and 4.85 weighted, I took 12 so classes and had 7 5s on tests at the time I applied (I took the other 5 ap courses this year as a senior so I haven’t taken the tests yet). I only took the SAT and had a 1550.
Hope that helps!
ap not so, sorry
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