Anyone got interview requests after Feb 2nd? I want to stop checking my spam haha
The email with the interview request says the last day they are interviewing people is Friday Feb 18. Not sure if they'll still send more requests these days, but wanted to share the info.
I got an email from filmgrad... but it was just to answer a query I sent in December :') not sure what this means - I've given up on an interview by this time but it's interesting that I even got a reply haha. Maybe they're doing a mass reply to everyone who's emailed asking about interviews
I was wondering if they would admit more people this year because they skipped last year (because of the pandemic, and to restructure the program)
I'm now worried I got an interview request and just straight up did not see it lmao. Regardless, best of luck to those who interviewed!
I hope so! Did you really see 70-80 slots for interviews? There seemed to be only like 15 per day, and only 3 days. Unless they have more than those 3 initial days, and I don't know about them?
I didn't see this: I think I counted more than that but it's been a while. There's also an old interview where a dean says that they interviewed 70 or so people a year. Did they not have the interview slots over a couple weeks?
Y’all know if there is an application portal? I haven’t received a single email from them since I applied so idk if I trust their email service hahah
The letter says that we have been recommended for acceptance. Does anybody know if the audit by graduate division is a big deal or disqualifies anyone?
I don't think the graduate division audit is a big deal unless there are major red flags in an undergraduate transcript / other areas of the application. To my understanding, film schools at public institutions like UCLA and UT Austin decide who they want and then get it approved by the overarching campus graduate division. That approval is more clerical than an evaluation of the materials though.
I don't think the graduate division audit is a big deal unless there are major red flags in an undergraduate transcript / other areas of the application. To my understanding, film schools at public institutions like UCLA and UT Austin decide who they want and then get it approved by the overarching campus graduate division. That approval is more clerical than an evaluation of the materials though.
Sweet! Thank you!
Congrats, friends who've been accepted! That's got to feel fantastic!

Did your portal change, or is it still the same? I haven't gotten any correspondence from them at all since applying like bellbro, and I have a lot of reservations with their email systems too, so it'd be great to know if there's something different to expect in the portal or not.
Congrats, friends who've been accepted! That's got to feel fantastic!

Did your portal change, or is it still the same? I haven't gotten any correspondence from them at all since applying like bellbro, and I have a lot of reservations with their email systems too, so it'd be great to know if there's something different to expect in the portal or not.

All of my correspondence has been via email (which is nerve wracking bc every single email has gone to spam). I just checked and my application portal looks exactly the same as when I submitted the app last October.

And thank you! Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting to hear.
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